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Cameras & Accessories

Discussion of Cameras, Lenses, Photographic Accessories & Gear.
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Second weekend at it
04-04-15 20:34
3 831
POTW 250: 28/2/15 - 6/3/15
07-04-15 9:01
0 569
Cabansail C&C
30-03-15 21:33
8 1.1K
Looking for a frame for this print
03-04-15 9:51
1 596
Cork Girl C&C
01-04-15 11:42
7 1K
Transferring from Picasa to Flickr
02-04-15 18:45
4 625
New to Light Room
21-03-15 19:12
15 1.6K
[Photographer Profile] #3 MaggyM
14-10-12 16:38
37 6.1K
The Image Shredder 12
02-07-14 11:38
96 6.9K
Photobook - Get involved
26-03-15 3:53
12 1.4K
Showing photos privately online to Client
31-03-15 15:13
33 2.5K
C&C: First Outing in Years.
30-03-15 16:20
4 826
This morning's paper
31-03-15 23:07
4 840
C&C and where to start with PP
30-03-15 10:03
3 671
C&C for a newbie!
29-03-15 20:48
4 880
Found in Bray, St. Patrick's Day
20-03-15 8:26
5 2.4K
Images from - 800px length
30-03-15 9:46
0 531
POTW 249: 21/2/15 - 27/2/15
28-03-15 13:36
1 570
Where to buy photo frames?
29-03-15 13:47
0 391
[Photographer Profile] #27 Loki98
17-03-15 0:19
8 2.5K
C&C Please
22-03-15 19:48
15 1.9K
Any photo exhibitions open in Dublin this Sunday?
27-03-15 10:27
3 401
London - interesting places to photo
26-03-15 9:01
10 977
Aperture Question
20-03-15 9:16
21 1.3K
Going to buy LR- a few questions
25-03-15 14:04
8 793
Printing Question 5d Mark iii
24-03-15 16:37
7 738
Best app for making short movies
23-03-15 20:40
2 510
Challenge 152: Shadows
10-03-15 9:57
20 3K
Common Photography mistakes made by beginners.
24-03-15 16:20
0 557
POTW 248: 14/2/15 -20/2/15
22-03-15 16:04
3 793