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Bank of Ireland

Customer service queries for day-to-day banking
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Personal loan application issue
11-08-21 11:33
1 31
Credit card renewal - car hire problem
10-08-21 12:20
2 70
Problems with SCA one time codes
09-08-21 15:43
6 81
Messages gone?
09-08-21 10:33
5 83
Foreign exchange
07-08-21 11:52
6 62
Statement Download
06-08-21 10:03
2 11
Unacceptable hold times for business support phone lines
05-08-21 15:36
3 65
Expired Debit Card
05-08-21 9:57
3 71
Savings account sitting for long period of time
04-08-21 10:07
3 151
House purchase contract
03-08-21 15:37
4 73
My online account has been blocked
03-08-21 9:43
4 2.4K
How to export recent transactions from desktop?
Answered ✓
27-07-21 11:16
3 11
Overdraft application waiting time
27-07-21 11:05
1 24
[Account Issue] Bank of Ireland Credit Card Care
26-07-21 17:22
21 1.2K
How long to initiate chargeback?
26-07-21 15:22
1 31
Mortgage for demountable modular house
26-07-21 14:49
1 52
How does fractional reserve banking work
26-07-21 4:03
1 33
[Account Issue] can I access the online portal without having the app installed on my mobile phone?
23-07-21 12:38
14 509
Android App throwing an SSL certificate error
21-07-21 13:08
21 6.9K
Monthly 365 savings account
19-07-21 12:32
6 129
Your request has been refused by issuer
19-07-21 10:55
1 93
[Mortgage] Mortgage Saver Account
15-07-21 11:37
1 29
Branch closures questions: How do I withdraw large amounts of cash etc?
15-07-21 11:34
2 186
[Billing / Payment] Unrecognised transaction on account
15-07-21 11:34
8 316
[General Query] Can I use Bank of Ireland for receiving my salary if I work abroad?
05-07-21 13:35
6 166
[Account Issue] Issue: Changes to Online banking Service
08-01-21 7:05
5 251
[General Query] missing title deeds
05-07-21 17:08
1 84
[Technical] getting a security code from abroad
06-07-21 4:05
1 36
[Technical] Not receiving BOI verification codes
01-07-21 16:09
4 232
[General Query] Current Account Statement
02-07-21 10:22
3 103