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Building Energy Rating
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
BEH application error
27-11-14 12:08
1 461
Recommend a BER assessor for South Dublin/Dublin City
14-11-14 16:22
1 533
Attic insulation
12-11-14 13:22
1 641
Boarded up chimney in DEAP
06-11-14 16:58
4 639
Dormer - Attic - Icynene
05-11-14 23:51
0 516
BER-Non Domestic A1 Rated Buildings
04-11-14 16:15
5 812
BER is this rediculous?
02-11-14 20:55
18 4.7K
Recommend a BER assesor in Co. Clare.
30-10-14 13:42
0 428
Sealing red brick ?
20-10-14 22:21
2 571
Assessment costs.
25-10-14 21:55
1 406
BER Assessor independance
24-10-14 15:45
0 417
BER rating looks too high
17-08-14 10:50
21 2.7K
Where can I buy individual boards of insulation
15-10-14 11:24
2 372
Dormer roof attic insulation.
29-05-14 10:42
1 867
Worse than expected BER rating......
05-10-14 23:33
8 1.4K
18-09-14 13:46
5 1.6K
NDBER kitchen zone
24-09-14 6:17
3 684
air tightness in new build
03-10-14 14:29
4 732
Thermal stability problem
17-09-14 13:37
9 691
Wall Insulation for new house
13-04-14 16:19
19 4.2K
Insulation Quote - Good Idea?
08-09-14 12:04
0 63
Report & Walls
05-09-14 11:44
3 499
Humidity Levels
07-03-10 22:28
22 9.8K
Spray foam in attic and differing recommendations
24-05-13 20:04
7 2.5K
AIr Pressure Test Results
03-05-14 15:26
24 2.7K
Cavity Wall Insulation Depth Age Bands
17-08-14 23:32
0 345
QA Auditors Wanted
21-07-14 17:31
1 636
Chilled sales areas in iSBEM
14-07-14 17:14
6 502
Attic and Cavity insulation
30-03-14 21:55
6 1.4K
BER (is it correct)
25-06-14 14:24
20 1.8K