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Call of Duty

For single and multiplayer fans of CoD.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
What is boosting??
31-05-10 18:36
5 728
Best Video Montage for COD ever...EVER!
02-04-10 17:19
22 2.7K
Fail Moments 12
06-05-10 16:00
69 5.6K
Tallon's First Nuke :D 12
24-05-10 7:04
69 4.4K
shotgun jumping
27-05-10 17:41
14 1K
MW2- hacks ruin the game- PC
24-05-10 20:33
17 1.7K
Anyone find it literally impossible to get a nuke? 1234
29-05-10 19:41
167 13K
im sick of call of duty (not really)
28-05-10 15:52
2 461
Can anyone move InGame?
28-05-10 22:58
4 403
PS3 Hacked with turbo speed on COD 4
27-05-10 23:12
3 602
X-Box Live
25-05-10 21:57
8 569
Stimulus Package Download Problem
24-05-10 17:56
5 438
Your MW2 Killstreaks and Armory!
23-05-10 17:46
20 1.8K
Pure Class.... 12
13-05-10 12:56
65 4.2K
MW2 Hacked?
22-05-10 0:42
4 605
19-05-10 8:16
25 2.2K
Can You Kill A Little Bird
20-05-10 18:17
19 1.5K
Resurgence map pack out June 3rd 12
20-05-10 19:44
68 5.2K
What is the highest score in any game type you have got/seen? 12
30-03-10 2:06
51 4.6K
Have 0 friends playing MW2 on Steam!
18-05-10 2:43
4 672
CoD:Modern Warfare 3 - WOW!
15-05-10 15:33
5 976
i think my ps3 has a virus
16-05-10 21:31
19 1.5K
Black Ops - New Killstreaks Idea?
13-05-10 23:44
25 2.8K
MW2 - Map Pack 2 - Resurgence
18-05-10 8:07
9 859
Museum Bonus Level
18-05-10 14:51
1 442
Strange Free For All game
10-05-10 1:52
8 1K
BlackOPs trailer online
15-05-10 12:57
0 415
COD: Black Ops will have dedicated servers
14-05-10 19:27
3 503
I never knew you could do this
13-05-10 20:39
16 1.7K
Boosting Hunters....anyone?
12-05-10 15:11
27 2.7K