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Clearasil & Hormones

Young Adult discussion forum
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Great Boards Re-Organisation and C&H
Poll Sticky
13-03-15 %k:23
3 3.6K
Auditions for the Playpen - Version 3.0!
07-12-13 %k:01
48 9.7K
Need a little help?
14-04-14 %k:50
3 3.7K
Clearasil & Hormones Charter/Staying Safe Online - Updated 18/08/2012
08-12-08 %k:00
9 19.3K
Important C&H threads. Read before posting.
17-05-11 %k:48
3 7.4K
What do you see yourself doing in 5 years time? 123
27-01-25 %k:35
128 15.5K
Heartfelt dilemma in 21st century
18-10-24 %k:58
0 21
Soundtrack To Your Angst 12...179180
27-07-24 %k:35
9K 537K
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh 12...140141
27-07-24 %k:27
7K 469.2K
Is there any teen/youth oriented groups (such as youth club) thats an 18 year old can join
29-06-24 %k:05
6 211
What films/TV shows are you watching? *see mod warning, post #3* 12...6970
29-01-24 %k:05
3.5K 245.9K
V beam for rosacea
03-01-24 %k:11
0 61
Deleted thread
17-11-23 %k:06
0 61
Skin problem support group
11-10-23 %k:11
0 31
Acne in late teens
10-08-23 %k:00
20 374
Good news, everyone!
13-03-23 %k:51
4 513
The Evil Computer Games thread 12...3233
09-06-10 %k:15
1.6K 112.1K
It's PanDENmonium! [Off Topic Chat] 12...193194
19-08-11 %k:06
9.7K 496.6K
aaaaaarrrrrrrggggghhhhhhhhh 12...6768
12-04-13 %k:51
3.4K 219.5K
So,it's half four in the morning... 12...6162
16-11-09 %k:38
3.1K 186.2K
As teenagers... 12
30-01-09 %k:33
79 6.4K
C+H Sports Discussion Thread 12...6162
10-08-09 %k:59
3.1K 155.3K
2020 - Off to A Mad Start
12-03-20 %k:12
9 789
Have you ever had depression? 12...1617
16-01-10 %k:28
824 97K
What Are You Reading? 12...4748
21-12-08 %k:25
2.4K 183.6K
IRC is Dead, Long Live IRC (C&H Discord)
01-08-17 %k:00
9 1.4K
Merry Christmas C&H
25-12-19 %k:18
2 378
Rest In Peace Pygmalion - Condolences thread only - No Chat 123
04-02-12 %k:04
132 28K
Thesis Topic
22-04-19 %k:12
6 891
Do you girls think it was the right thing to do, telling her the truth like that?
13-02-19 %k:01
5 2K
Happy Halloween!
02-11-18 %k:52
0 485
Freckle removal
25-07-18 %k:17
1 636
Suit for young man on tight budget
09-03-18 %k:01
8 728
Simpler times!
31-01-18 %k:35
4 636
Surely these Fake ID's dont work??
21-11-17 %k:49
1 798