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Climate Change, Sustainability & Environmental Issues

For advice on, and discussion of all issues environmental.

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Environmental Science: Archive

Discussion of Environmental Science
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Climate Change: The Megathread - Read Post #1 before posting 12...1011
10-01-25 %k:46
535 45.4K
Environmental Science forum locked & archived
17-01-18 %k:33
0 586
Attention Students...
12-03-17 %k:29
0 1.4K
Forum Charter - Updated 12-03-2017 - READ BEFORE POSTING
07-04-09 %k:00
0 12K
Saving Historic Wood lands on RMP structures across Ireland. 12
25-02-25 %k:46
76 392
Merged: Trees near the River Shannon in Athlone
24-02-25 %k:31
0 137
Merged: Mahon Tribunal findings and the current environment
24-02-25 %k:31
0 72
Merged: Urban Sprawl and its impact on climate change
24-02-25 %k:05
0 14
Merged: Nature And Climate change
24-02-25 %k:38
0 13
Building Ireland’s most eco-friendly house? 12
24-02-25 %k:32
90 4.1K
A Single Tea Bag Could Release Billions of Microplastics Into The Body
22-02-25 %k:52
7 349
Call for volunteer participants for research on Climate Anxiety living in Rural Ireland
05-02-25 %k:24
3 108
Independent TD’s looking to have all trees within 30 meters of roads felled.
30-01-25 %k:25
15 1.2K
Glass bottle, aluminium can, plastic bottle - which is best for sustainable drinking
26-01-25 %k:08
5 204
any point in storing milk in glass jugs - in the fridge
03-01-25 %k:52
17 538
Battery alternative to storage heaters
25-11-24 %k:14
15 1.1K
Should I keep my immersion if getting solar panels
19-11-24 %k:24
13 1.4K
Best Carbon Offsetting Program for Individuals
19-11-24 %k:04
6 62
Wolves in Europe.
19-11-24 %k:57
6 172
Wind Turbines
19-11-24 %k:44
24 676
Heat treated vegetable oil
19-11-24 %k:30
14 214
Ryanair offers to offset you flight CO2?
19-11-24 %k:29
10 242
Recycling of clothes that are unfit for wearing
19-11-24 %k:01
14 1.5K
Irish company Trifol reconstituting plastic into aviation fuel.
19-11-24 %k:18
6 191
Climate change and humans?
18-11-24 %k:35
27 764
Why are the government pushing for EV?
18-11-24 %k:12
18 972
blue glass recycling
14-11-24 %k:35
3 41
Brita jug.
02-11-24 %k:01
13 690
Best way to set heating
29-09-24 %k:46
12 303
Recovering Deserts Chinese solution
23-08-24 %k:09
2 111
Deposit return scheme improvement ideas? 12
07-07-24 %k:49
63 1.8K
Reducing shipping emissions
23-05-24 %k:21
2 81
Remote solar farm investment?
26-03-24 %k:30
2 43
Automatic Weather Station
12-03-24 %k:56
2 61