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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
23-03-23 22:19
3 445
Recommendations for fascia & soffit installer Cork
23-03-23 22:04
2 87
Timber Ceiling Joists
23-03-23 22:01
3 171
Attic Insulation and Flooring
23-03-23 21:41
1 162
Sliding door weep holes
23-03-23 21:28
1 81
Lifespan of fibre cement slates
23-03-23 21:19
3 401
Support required for removing load bearing wall
23-03-23 21:12
1 163
New planning application while appeal with an bord pleanala
23-03-23 14:05
3 252
Polycarbonate sheet
22-03-23 17:03
0 51
Utility door
22-03-23 16:55
6 151
Polished Concrete Floor
22-03-23 0:42
28 18.9K
Neighbours Roof
22-03-23 0:39
6 742
Roofs builds
21-03-23 19:03
2 121
Ventilation Validation Report Query
21-03-23 8:58
1 83
How to imposes conditions during a planning submission/observation
21-03-23 5:59
3 308
Solid fuel stove in garage
19-03-23 23:03
0 81
Fixings for EWI boards?
18-03-23 13:32
3 101
House plans
17-03-23 20:20
1 111
External and Internal Insulation?
15-03-23 14:02
6 342
Irish Water bringing pipe to Mains
15-03-23 12:19
6 271
LVP for a new build and question about floor leveling
14-03-23 22:53
0 94
Pre Planning/ Planning Permission for New build
13-03-23 23:20
6 335
Powder Coated Window sill capping on top of thermal sills?
13-03-23 21:29
3 117
External AND Internal (cavity) insulation - SEAI grants?
13-03-23 19:31
14 1.3K
BER rating after Extension
Answered ✓
13-03-23 15:03
9 234
Suggestions for covering exterior stone cladding
13-03-23 12:09
5 302
External insulation installers (Dublin) that will do more than the stock 100mm
11-03-23 18:44
3 271
Planning to change a hipped roof to a gable roof in a housing estate of hipped roof houses
11-03-23 18:09
4 293
Possible Asbestos living room
11-03-23 16:41
2 187
Eircode map different from the folio
11-03-23 11:50
3 223