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Software and Web Development questions and answers. Formerly the Programming forum.
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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Recommended Books 12
09-12-24 %k:51
69 53K
The Situations Vacant Sticky
05-06-24 %k:18
16 97.8K
Coding Horror 12...2122
12-12-23 %k:08
1.1K 224.6K
Developer Tools and Resources 12
27-12-21 %k:25
65 57.1K
Open Source Projects
05-11-14 %k:38
13 14.5K
Latest Blogs/Articles 12
18-09-09 %k:23
68 49.7K
Development Forum Charter (Updated January 2018)
07-11-06 %k:04
1 44.9K
Recommend a VPS hosting company?
22-02-25 %k:07
3 34
Useful vba code snipits 123
20-02-25 %k:29
118 1.7K
Student Web Developer Wanted for Exciting Eco-Friendly Project
03-02-25 %k:42
0 21
Easy to use Newsletter Signup for html website
22-01-25 %k:54
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Anyone still using Delphi...
04-01-25 %k:14
21 2.4K
Is there a source for Irish Counties and for Towns / Areas within each county ?
24-12-24 %k:36
3 91
Merging websites
17-12-24 %k:06
4 51
QR Code question
16-12-24 %k:02
5 141
Java Books in Galway
11-12-24 %k:34
0 11
{Solved} Help with setting up a github handle for bluesky!? << Rookie Mistake!
02-12-24 %k:22
1 61
Excel using autofill on filtered cells
25-11-24 %k:42
0 21
Jobseeking - any point in getting certified for AWS, etc?
22-11-24 %k:21
4 131
Simple BAT file to copy files to specific folder
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7 91
Any Apache Kafka users? KafkaTopical review
12-11-24 %k:17
1 71
cloud vps ram
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python beginner book
31-10-24 %k:25
22 1.6K
Resolved promise but unable to insert data into react project
24-10-24 %k:00
1 31
Is outsourcing becoming more common?
21-10-24 %k:37
16 999
HTML and Google Map into my website
10-10-24 %k:18
0 21
CSS is ruining my life
09-10-24 %k:06
4 271
Job hunting for developers
07-10-24 %k:03
1 72
Looking for advice on contract day rate for senior scrum master
06-10-24 %k:35
0 51
Grid of images/pixels on a webpage
05-09-24 %k:21
9 71
500: Internal server error
27-08-24 %k:26
21 813
30-07-24 %k:36
12 1.6K
Why doesn't puppeteer wait for page to load??
19-07-24 %k:51
1 61
HSM code signing certs, rant, & recommend where to buy?
14-07-24 %k:29
8 201
Beginner App Development Recommendations
04-07-24 %k:07
7 221
In need of a website - paid gig
24-06-24 %k:52
47 1.3K
Recommend site developers
24-06-24 %k:30
5 272