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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Banned from soccer
08-12-19 10:23
17 1.8K
Banned from accommodation forum
23-11-19 13:40
21 2.8K
Ban from Rugby
08-12-19 8:38
6 689
03-12-19 15:06
15 2.6K
03-10-19 21:18
4 1.3K
Permanent ban.
06-09-19 12:24
12 1.7K
28-09-19 1:44
5 972
Reporting Chips Lovell
16-10-19 8:52
2 605
Fiber stops about 100 meters away...
17-11-19 23:51
0 178
Infraction/Forum Ban Current Affairs.
06-11-19 12:21
15 1.7K
Banned from gaa thread!
14-09-19 18:11
8 1.2K
Banned from Waterford City for a month
04-11-19 16:51
8 834
Received a yellow from paranoid admin
04-11-19 15:09
1 596
Received an unwarranted red in Joe Schmidt Era Rugby Thread
27-10-19 13:52
5 570
Received an unwarranted yellow in rugby thread
24-10-19 14:05
7 825
Got a yellow card and told "Don't post here again"
02-09-19 15:22
2 1.1K
Banned from eir Sport/BT/Premier Sports
02-08-19 15:27
26 1.9K
22-07-19 20:07
6 942
23-10-19 9:26
3 874
Banned from Animals and pets
21-10-19 16:14
4 554
Infraction for trolling!
22-10-19 20:04
4 426
Is this a new low?
15-10-19 12:11
15 1.9K
Thread banned
20-10-19 20:32
0 0
Just because I’m anti rugby ??
19-10-19 13:31
3 831
How do you report a censorious fascist Moderator?
18-10-19 22:18
1 458
Banned From Referral Codes
15-10-19 11:11
7 670
No Cmods?
14-10-19 16:25
0 36
11-10-19 17:52
0 18
Breached charter but no card or even warning
09-10-19 13:14
0 0
Warning Relating to Child Abuse
23-07-19 8:12
7 998