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Feedback Archive

Archive of feedback issues
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
"RIPs only" notices
10-10-15 13:56
13 1.2K
Sanity check
08-10-15 18:25
2 565
Issue with Chrome on iPad
04-10-15 13:01
6 698
Acca P6
05-10-15 15:35
1 570
Itchy eyes from banner ad.
05-10-15 15:44
4 646
Take the site offline
04-10-15 1:18
4 1.3K
app not working properly?
05-10-15 11:22
1 317
Current site issues: 404's, 503's and assorted errors (was "Little glitch?") 123
02-10-15 22:45
117 10.6K
Posts missing
05-10-15 11:00
0 302
New notifications, nothing there - view them and same again
05-10-15 1:23
1 413
Front page stuck at 22.17
04-10-15 23:19
0 292
The dreaded 503's are back 12
30-09-15 21:28
58 4.1K
What does this mean???
03-10-15 18:48
1 443
Another day, another glitch
03-10-15 11:47
0 403
Sponsored link signifying an inadequacy?
01-10-15 6:29
9 841
Romania blocked?
01-10-15 13:05
4 743
Problem with Touch Site
01-10-15 8:22
3 614
Duck shooting
30-09-15 20:39
7 613
503 Central Tonight Folks
30-09-15 21:30
1 360
Reported post not acted upon!
27-09-15 12:30
13 1K
Just wondering if it would be possible to hide individual threads.
24-09-15 10:36
8 826
08-09-15 8:36
9 1.3K
24-09-15 14:18
0 386
Can't edit my posts
24-09-15 11:04
1 344
What does this mean?
22-09-15 12:10
9 717
21-09-15 21:49
1 488
iOS issues?
28-08-15 18:07
7 1.1K
Advice on Knee Specialists
19-09-15 9:20
1 461
Why the censorship? 12...45
04-09-15 22:32
250 15.1K
Rip -Off advert
18-09-15 7:58
11 1.6K