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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Now or Never
07-04-13 12:30
5 614
Keep the blood in your head and your feet on the ground 12...2526
06-05-09 19:47
767 55.4K
Sorting myself out! 12
09-01-11 23:42
50 4.7K
clicking in shoulder
07-04-13 19:05
5 658
Mammy Hardbody 12...1819
16-02-11 12:24
560 46.5K
Fitness plan/schedule please!
10-04-13 20:32
1 437
running shoes/trainers
26-02-12 17:40
1 523
Saving for a sixpack
28-01-13 15:55
6 964
Massively dizzy and light headed after run
10-04-13 12:39
2 457
Fix up, look sharp.
08-04-13 16:25
0 227
Going backwards to go forwards
01-04-13 10:32
2 493
german volume training
28-03-13 21:38
5 764
Baldie's Starting Strength 12
09-04-09 11:52
36 2.8K
Sore back how to stay fit?
21-03-13 22:24
2 458
Squat it like its hot! 12
02-02-13 20:49
31 2.6K
Gym Buddy needed - Northwood gym Santry
11-03-13 19:58
0 399
Making Up The Numbers
05-02-13 9:52
17 1.4K
Nick Mitchell's 12 week body plan
07-01-13 1:18
12 4.4K
The log of a tiny Thai boxer
03-02-13 23:43
11 1.1K
Gym buddy galway
17-12-12 22:36
1 539
05-01-13 21:16
4 531
Fitness classes
02-03-13 22:31
0 237
core exercises..
01-03-13 17:52
1 449
Lets see if technology helps me lose weight!
31-07-12 21:15
26 2.7K
gorge walking
22-02-13 13:14
0 184
fitness log
04-01-11 22:03
1 545
My fitness log
15-03-12 12:37
9 752
No pain no gain
21-02-13 9:15
0 287
weight programme
19-02-13 14:44
0 244
Tough morning training sessions
10-02-13 19:44
0 238