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Fitness Logs

You must do fifty one press-ups before you enter this forum.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
40 Reps 2 Freedom
28-04-10 17:07
3 558
My Jogging Log
28-04-10 11:16
3 510
My Weight Loss Journal
29-04-10 9:39
0 377
5-3-1 and some Crossfit.
25-04-10 17:56
2 410
losing weight.
26-04-10 22:10
0 10
Patto's Rapid Fat Loss 12
05-12-08 20:02
40 4.4K
Split my lungs with blood & thunder ...
16-03-10 7:24
6 904
Goin for it
31-03-10 22:01
5 542
Schoolboy's Journal
30-03-10 14:37
29 1.7K
*Witty title*
29-03-10 20:47
1 329
Cat_dog's running log
29-03-10 18:27
0 484
27 Dresses...
27-03-10 21:12
0 329
Squats that coming over the hill....
31-01-10 16:27
16 1.4K
Simply Starting Strength & WSFSB3 123
20-04-09 15:18
71 5.9K
Back from the Brink 12
27-12-09 14:58
50 3.5K
Diet or Meds??
12-03-10 11:14
0 406
The Fitness Records 2010
23-05-09 2:30
12 2.7K
Couch to 5k...and then 10k
03-11-09 15:51
12 2.3K
Bigger, harder, better, faster, stronger. 12
02-12-09 11:38
39 2.9K
Sick of standing still 12...78
20-04-09 17:52
218 13.7K
Not So Scrawny To Brawny
27-02-10 20:03
3 701
Pull, Push & Legs 12
30-11-09 1:46
46 3.4K
Shane's Bodybuilding Log
08-02-10 21:37
12 914
The Revolution
23-02-10 0:57
1 415
Deedsie Starting Strength 12
26-08-09 17:26
37 3.2K
the real training begins
18-02-10 0:42
1 449
As goes nothing!
23-01-10 16:05
21 1.2K
Right, I'm going to get fit!
17-02-10 21:48
2 375
My Bridal Bootcamp... aka Please be my drill sergeant!!! 12
26-01-10 16:21
42 3.6K
Cows, Squirrels and Starting Strength
16-10-09 22:39
18 1.6K