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Fitness Logs

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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
deadlift form check
12-09-09 22:06
0 13
from rock bottom
10-09-09 20:54
0 318
Blarggggh beats the belly
24-07-09 20:53
4 648
Andy's powerlifting log
24-04-09 17:40
22 1.7K
1 Year, 2 Stone and 3 Goals!
04-09-09 12:01
0 13
26-08-09 11:30
14 823
Let's get physical, PHYSICAL!! 12
10-05-09 18:59
52 3.5K
The Hope Springs Journal 12
12-07-09 23:56
41 2.4K
Weight training.... but also a basketball player
30-08-09 10:27
0 406
From Fat To Fit - A young guy's journey
29-08-09 22:18
3 571
Toning/Losing weight
28-08-09 11:54
1 406
Biggest Loser Style Bootcamp
27-08-09 23:13
1 368
What do you guys/girls lift?
23-08-09 14:41
0 227
Time to get smaller 12
29-06-09 1:39
41 2.5K
Pull international women in college, keep my arms big and see the rest of my 6pack 12
15-08-09 0:32
40 2.4K
19-08-09 15:12
0 352
skinnymalink malojan legs
16-08-09 14:08
2 725
Getting into shape
18-08-09 15:44
5 576
Lindak's bun in the oven journal! 123
09-01-09 10:37
73 4.3K
Fat Boy No More
26-01-09 16:34
15 1.6K
Gator's Vertical Jump Diary
31-07-07 13:35
7 921
My Bodyforlife challenge 12
07-05-09 13:27
51 5.5K
Any Advice would be great
13-08-09 13:18
0 99
13-08-09 12:12
0 351
Dragan's New Training Journal 12
01-07-09 16:56
54 3.8K
My Fitness Log
10-08-09 20:44
13 897
Dave's path from fatness to fitness!
30-07-09 12:09
13 1.1K
Some news
08-08-09 2:13
0 27
14-07-09 20:01
9 723
Bulk Up Baby!
05-08-09 13:11
6 551