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Fitness Logs

You must do fifty one press-ups before you enter this forum.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Getting into shape with the Summer Challenge 12...78
31-03-08 21:52
212 12.5K
Sub 31:35
04-11-08 11:01
0 1.2K
My road to Berlin 1234
22-06-08 23:43
104 5.7K
Back on My Feet
26-10-08 1:43
0 328
Running for Fitness/Weight loss
23-10-08 8:06
0 8K
GWT's total body training log
07-10-08 11:43
8 667
Can I turn it around in 6 weeks?
18-09-08 19:58
27 1.9K
Health, Fitness and weight loss
03-10-08 12:10
5 529
Newbies Health Trip
14-10-08 23:58
0 798
obesity chart/ring/circle?
14-10-08 0:20
0 409
getting fit... heres my progress 12
05-08-08 16:21
46 3.2K
From 0 to 90.
09-10-08 9:17
0 329
Diary of a Madman
05-10-08 22:45
8 520
Floating around an 800m
08-10-08 20:37
0 8.6K
Citius, Altius, Fortius
08-10-08 16:16
0 5K
Ali's boards winter challenge log
28-09-08 17:05
7 801
Back in Saddle
02-10-08 11:07
3 447
cable tensiometer
06-10-08 15:45
0 3
Have to start seeing some results 12
21-07-08 15:01
52 3.3K
The Quest for 2.59.59 1234
10-05-08 22:17
97 5.8K
Coastal run
01-10-08 11:06
0 1
Mud's weight loss and all round fitness and all that good stuff
30-09-08 23:26
2 376
29-09-08 19:55
0 0
Running during lunchbreak
29-09-08 13:04
0 303
Need some advice please
26-09-08 11:30
0 1
New Motivator Needed 1234
11-02-08 16:13
105 5.9K
The road to Dublin marathon 2008
19-08-08 22:23
11 996
anyone can do it with help from eveyone
23-09-08 20:57
0 389
Fitter'n'faster 12
09-06-08 21:35
35 2.4K
shedding the baby fat!
21-09-08 17:49
13 713