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Game Awards

Awards for gaming.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Vote for the RPG of 2004
30-12-04 11:43
2 426
Voting Time *PLEASE READ*
29-12-04 14:10
1 442
Vote for the Addon or Expansion of 2004
29-12-04 13:33
0 438
Vote for the Sports Game of 2004
29-12-04 13:24
1 348
Vote for the Strategy Game of 2004
29-12-04 0:22
0 368
Vote for the Action Adventure of 2004
28-12-04 21:55
0 432
Vote for the best game soundtrack of 2004
28-12-04 20:54
0 466
Vote for XBox game of 2004
28-12-04 20:50
0 462
Best Game Ever! 123
28-12-04 19:52
121 4K
Best Gamecube Game of 2004
28-12-04 4:29
23 819
Last chance for suggestions...
27-12-04 22:53
0 399
Best RPG of 2004
27-12-04 21:42
15 1.1K
Biggest Dissapointment of the year
27-12-04 19:29
44 1.6K
Best XBox Game of 2004
27-12-04 19:26
28 1.1K
Best Game Soundtrack of 2004
26-12-04 14:49
35 1.4K
Best Character (2004)
26-12-04 14:31
20 986
Best Action Adventure of 2004
14-12-04 18:40
12 644
Hottest Female Lead (2004)
12-12-04 20:59
26 51.6K
12-12-04 18:34
23 1.1K
Best FPS Game of 2004
12-12-04 18:20
46 12.4K
Best Strategy Game of 2004
09-12-04 16:23
29 1.3K
Best Sports Game of 2004
09-12-04 0:28
22 938
Best Bad Guy (2004)
07-12-04 23:44
26 1.2K
Best Mobile Game of 2004
07-12-04 23:38
9 647
Best addon or expansion pack of 2004
07-12-04 13:02
12 751
Best Story (2004)
06-12-04 14:43
16 1K
Overall GOTY (all formats)
03-12-04 21:41
22 1.4K
Best Racing Game (Sim or Arcade) of 2004
03-12-04 21:26
25 1.1K
Best PC Game of 2004
03-12-04 21:20
44 1.6K
Best PS2 Game of 2004
02-12-04 13:01
25 1.3K