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Software and hardware for computer graphics.
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Crossfire/SLi: Owned?
20-08-08 3:21
7 771
Is SLI and Crossfire a Con job?
21-08-08 7:33
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Oh ****, Its Worse Than I Thought
12-08-08 23:27
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Error Code 43 with new graphics card
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22-07-08 20:20
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4850 vs 4870
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HD4850 v 8800GT ?
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Good upgrade for €200-€250?
30-07-08 11:38
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nVidia release PhysX drivers and goodies
12-08-08 19:48
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gtx 280 heat
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What size is A5?
08-08-08 18:30
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Intel puts ATI and nVIDIA in it's crosshairs
05-08-08 13:38
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Am I mad ?
05-08-08 18:27
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Is 3 Screen Gaming possible without TripleHead2Go?
02-08-08 18:37
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need help missing drivers after re-install
03-08-08 19:53
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Card for 26" Monitor
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Resizing Photos
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Cheapest PCIe card available?
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Nvidia 7900GS Fan Upgrade
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7600GT - upgrade to 9600GT?
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nVidia 8600GT with 1 gb memory. Catch?
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ATI 4870
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Graphics Card 9800GTX or 4870 ?!
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DDR2 Memory pn VGA, DDR Memory on Motherboard
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Graphics Problem
21-07-08 16:48
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21-07-08 15:29
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Recording from home security camera
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Stupid and Lazy... help
05-07-08 15:26
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Anyone here ever done the eVGA step-up program?
18-07-08 21:21
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ATI HD 4870 X2 - R700 Preview
14-07-08 21:37
7 824