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Help Desk Archive
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Poster pressing for personal information
28-06-15 21:10
3 785
Fugitsu Laptop Lifebook A Series
25-06-15 14:59
1 291
Paid subscription?
24-06-15 11:49
2 416
PR Medical check for newborn
22-06-15 2:39
1 508
15 year old looking for summer job
20-06-15 3:38
1 447
winclub on mobile
08-06-15 21:56
7 798
Post attacking me and blatantly breaking the rules still there
14-06-15 6:32
12 1.9K
time that you can appeal an infraction?
13-06-15 8:40
2 409
Can't post tinypic pictures
10-06-15 15:31
2 418
forgot to put my calculator number on maths junior cert
09-06-15 12:56
1 978
Zamano ad pop up when I click on thread in politics café
09-06-15 8:31
3 1K
Leaving Cert Biology Predictions & Topics
08-06-15 14:18
1 747
You do not have permission to post?
08-06-15 9:46
2 1.5K
In what forum should I go to find out about now closed business?
05-06-15 15:28
2 546
Sam34/ RobFowl - Not enforcing the rules outlined in the Health Sciences Charter
30-05-15 21:55
13 1.4K
Everything Hpat 2015 Thread - Spurious, deleting comments
27-03-15 11:10
42 5.9K
Thread "resolved"?
03-06-15 0:13
4 793
Mary I accommodation Limerick!
05-06-15 20:37
1 509
Working for Fidelity Investments
04-06-15 16:05
1 593
04-06-15 13:59
2 408
Why is new thread available to me here but not elsewhere???
02-06-15 23:37
1 449
can send pic
02-06-15 22:27
1 326
Thread shut by PM request?
31-05-15 2:02
2 638
Only place that I am allowed to discuss this
30-05-15 16:02
5 759
Showing unread posts In Limerick forum
21-05-15 11:52
4 518
Duplication of posts
23-05-15 7:41
3 392
rental advice
21-05-15 15:15
1 459
Having problems posting images using ipad
19-05-15 20:52
5 382
I lost "My Forums"
17-05-15 20:28
1 367
Why did mods or admins open a thread in my name?
15-05-15 20:08
3 637