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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Yeats' poetry
24-12-24 %k:36
1 71
Volunteers needed for research study on growing up with a father in prison
15-11-24 %k:01
0 11
Black Superhero name. Is this Ok?
14-06-23 %k:04
26 1.6K
Accusations of police violence against women in the UK, some sources claim Ireland not dissimilar?
17-03-23 %k:52
30 601
Ulysses Trigger warning.
03-02-23 %k:45
0 71
Why are there less female sex offenders/perverts?
12-01-23 %k:36
19 2.2K
Rodger Scurton - RIP
16-06-22 %k:48
3 557
Moved: One4all chip cards
17-05-22 %k:00
0 1
Problems with nurses behaviour
06-04-22 %k:58
13 2K
census 2022
14-03-22 %k:25
6 181
3rd largest diamond in the world found in Botswana
03-12-21 %k:03
4 266
Dealing with prejudices of 'white colonialism' when you're Irish
13-11-21 %k:14
5 801
Israel/Palastine why such an interest.
27-10-21 %k:08
10 1.1K
Funeral cost
11-09-21 %k:49
5 582
Stress leave
06-06-21 %k:31
0 62
22-04-20 %k:00
6 704
Leaving crime behind
19-04-21 %k:11
10 553
Why are people afraid of public speaking?
09-10-20 %k:36
7 568
Gender and Authenticity -- video by trans Irish comedians
02-02-21 %k:38
0 245
Should assisted suicide be allowed for anyone?
18-08-20 %k:08
13 951
European vs American views on racism
01-06-20 %k:57
23 2K
Occurrence/frequency of bi/latent-homosexuality in men
29-11-20 %k:00
1 212
Welcome new Moderator Mzungu
14-08-20 %k:21
0 322
Have you or has someone you know, specifically: seek an apology from another person
09-08-20 %k:24
0 246
Childminder fees during coronavirus
21-03-20 %k:16
16 2.3K
Considering ethics and legality of prostitution; dissecting workers viewpoints
23-03-20 %k:44
0 296
Why is spanking an issue with people?
22-02-20 %k:37
4 713
I am new to this country and want to know why everyone is so rude. 12...56
22-01-20 %k:14
277 36.6K
Visa Refused
20-01-20 %k:47
0 53
What do ye think of this
12-01-20 %k:04
1 381