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Junior Cert

Secondary school junior certificate.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
~*~*~*JC Maths Paper 1 - all levels - Fri. 10th Jun*~*~*~
10-06-16 7:01
19 1.2K
~*~*~*JC Geography - both levels - Fri. 10th Jun*~*~*~
10-06-16 7:03
12 641
~*~*~*JC Irish - Paper 1 - all levels - Thu. 9th Jun*~*~*~
09-06-16 5:47
9 521
~*~*~*JC Environmental and Social Studies - both levels - Fri. 10th Jun*~*~*~
10-06-16 7:03
0 129
I have the 2016 Geography paper...
09-06-16 18:30
1 734
~*~*~*JC English - HL Paper 2 Wed. 8th Jun*~*~*~
08-06-16 8:19
5 536
Names of Studied Poems and Stories
06-06-16 16:17
3 502
junior cert predictions please
08-06-16 18:34
0 354
~*~*~*JC English - all levels Paper 1 Wed. 8th June*~*~*~
08-06-16 8:21
8 667
07-06-16 7:31
19 879
junior cert history
01-06-16 18:06
5 622
Advice on resources for teaching French
06-06-16 19:02
0 0
junior cert pol
05-06-16 13:18
2 228
Using a laptop for my Junior Cert.
02-06-16 19:09
25 1.6K
03-05-16 18:38
19 1K
junior cert is it too late
13-05-16 13:18
4 627
Junior cert romeo and Juliet!!
03-06-16 11:12
1 248
20-04-16 20:56
7 620
Junior cert study sos?????
31-05-16 19:16
1 308
What to study for Unseen poetry and prose?
30-05-16 17:01
1 693
Colaiste Mhuigheo
27-05-16 23:21
1 520
Do I have to do Frech if I'm moving Canada
30-05-16 13:33
1 191
Required Case Studies For Geography
29-05-16 13:02
0 244
Junior cert 2016 predictions?!?
19-05-16 0:08
19 2.1K
What kind of studying would get me A's?
16-05-16 16:50
4 617
Can Business titles be in red?
28-05-16 10:24
3 220
St. Francis College Rochestown
26-05-16 9:47
0 12
Junior cert Irish
22-05-16 20:54
7 1.2K
Curious as to how much?
22-05-16 13:40
0 204
Best Seconadry School in Carlow?
17-05-16 10:57
1 445