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Kilkenny City & County

Kilkenny City & County
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Well done Kilkenny!!
07-08-11 18:18
3 804
Old Dunnes Stores Parliament St.
04-08-11 22:27
4 993
HELP!! B&B near Lyrath hotel Kilkenny???
14-01-09 12:59
7 7.6K
Kilkenny businesses that have passed on the VAT decrease
04-07-11 15:31
28 3.9K
Black Abbey walkout!
28-07-11 8:38
5 1.9K
Anybody hiring in Kilkenny ?
07-03-11 10:01
2 2.1K
ABP says no to Tesco 12
11-01-08 16:13
59 5.9K
Volunteers wanted for Tour de Kilkenny this Saturday.
25-07-11 13:09
0 549
Where to go in Kilkenny City..?
24-07-11 15:56
40 2.7K
Anyone missing a kitten?
22-07-11 20:01
2 730
20-07-11 20:15
4 832
Lime in water supply
06-06-11 10:56
14 9.6K
20-07-11 17:15
10 1.3K
Can anyone in Kilkenny recommend an Au Pair Agency?
20-07-11 12:35
0 592
Van Hire
18-07-11 20:50
3 671
Argos Closed
16-07-11 17:49
5 1.4K
Dunne Family Tree - Bennettsbridge
03-02-10 13:09
1 1.3K
Captain Havoc raising money for Susie Long Hospice Fund.
30-06-11 18:35
5 1.1K
Fruit picking - do you know where?
11-07-11 8:42
11 1.9K
Where was the first roundabout in Kilkenny City
23-06-11 14:46
17 2K
retail park beside woodies
06-07-11 13:30
8 1.4K
electrical repair
07-07-11 14:44
5 1K
Donations / Sponsorship
10-07-11 15:56
0 437
Order of Malta - History and Future
09-07-11 23:31
0 503
08-07-11 10:54
4 860
Poster Boards
28-06-11 11:50
2 590
Computer shop / Techie expert
04-07-11 20:39
6 2.1K
30-12-10 10:02
18 5.3K
Petmania settle out of court.
01-07-11 13:35
11 3.5K
Charity Shop in Kilkenny that would take Free books?
28-06-11 20:30
8 1.3K