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General discussion of languages not covered by dedicated forums.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Resources for different languages and language learning in general
30-12-18 %k:52
20 15.2K
Linguistics and Resources for Linguistics
25-10-05 %k:37
1 9.8K
Charter - please read before posting.
02-01-05 %k:33
0 9.8K
Latvian cartoons?
07-12-24 %k:05
2 503
Learning to speak Spanish from scratch at 60yrs old.. possible?
26-08-24 %k:01
0 11
Who has heard of toki pona?
16-11-23 %k:11
9 346
Help translate this from Japanese?
17-04-23 %k:49
6 320
Help in learning Finnish?
03-04-22 %k:29
2 722
Finding someone to practise languages with
02-04-22 %k:36
0 11
Need help with Greek translation
10-02-22 %k:46
0 21
Spanish Native Speaker- Language exchange
04-02-22 %k:13
2 41
What Irish accent is closest to the original Irish accent?
06-01-22 %k:36
20 2K
Sryanonese: A brand new language 12...56
06-01-22 %k:26
290 14.6K
Figured this was a language question. Do we know of this in Ireland? What is it?
27-12-21 %k:14
6 131
10-04-20 %k:59
3 521
04-08-20 %k:00
33 2.6K
German Practice Partner
15-07-20 %k:44
2 149
Improve school German
29-05-20 %k:05
0 111
Irish Sign Language
03-09-07 %k:23
1 706
tattoo translation
30-06-19 %k:07
1 336
Irish Speakers in Clonmel
19-02-19 %k:47
0 446
Irish Translators ?
17-11-18 %k:13
0 279
Word Count for a Language
28-10-18 %k:53
0 2.9K
Czech/Slovak to English translator required
21-10-18 %k:25
0 319
Duolingo - Hawaian & Navajo released
07-10-18 %k:40
0 497
Looking for native English - Chinese exchange partners
20-01-17 %k:33
2 819
How to find Google Search answers in another language?
19-02-18 %k:14
5 613
'Sing it'... Slang?
14-06-18 %k:38
0 375
Spanish audio learning
02-05-18 %k:06
1 426
10-04-18 %k:50
0 398
17 year old looking for a Summer Language Course in German
29-03-18 %k:23
0 343
25-03-18 %k:48
7 478
Confused between two language schools
23-03-18 %k:40
0 351