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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

Leaving Cert Study Logs

Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Exam center
20-10-16 18:56
3 317
How to do an extra subject for the LC
22-10-16 8:33
1 236
Leaving cert engineering
21-10-16 0:03
0 273
Leaving cert Irish
09-10-16 21:16
4 454
Leaving Cert Irish
11-10-16 20:02
2 444
Leaving Cert Subject question
16-10-16 10:55
2 259
Is appealing worth it? 123
17-08-16 11:55
106 12.7K
Dare specifics
14-10-16 17:08
1 209
whats the difference
05-10-16 13:48
1 344
14-10-16 10:52
3 440
Leaving Cert Rechecks
12-10-16 17:57
3 371
Colaiste Bhreandain
13-10-16 22:15
0 453
Repeating leaving cert at home
13-10-16 18:42
2 383
13-10-16 15:10
1 198
Physics or Applied Maths?
09-10-16 18:31
16 827
What cork secondary schools teach Japanese as a subject in class ??
11-10-16 18:10
2 306
Leaving Cert - Mature Student
26-09-16 15:20
3 371
Given Detention a week later.
09-10-16 11:04
3 412
Institute of Education - Worth it?
26-09-16 20:18
13 9.4K
Revision Books - are they any good?
08-10-16 20:31
1 279
Best Physics Textbook for LC
08-10-16 14:21
3 194
Want to do Engineering, but didnt pick a Science subject
08-10-16 14:16
5 319
Is this good or bad?
03-10-16 23:02
1 314
Leaving Cert Art
08-10-16 0:20
0 147
Leaving cert Art
07-10-16 16:47
0 135
01-10-16 11:30
2 319
Help - Out of Routine?
04-10-16 23:18
1 251
Pass maths book list
04-10-16 12:48
1 156
Dropping to Ordinary English?
01-10-16 20:31
2 313
Biology project
28-09-16 17:01
3 236