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Leaving Cert

Secondary school leaving certificate.

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Careers and Job Discussion

Careers discussion from people whom have completed their leaving cert with Q&A from potential career candidates.

Leaving Cert Study Logs

Track your studying, or procrastinating, until exam time.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Global business USA
22-07-16 10:07
3 828
Transferring college courses
19-08-16 12:53
0 240
Primary Teaching without honours Irish
29-06-16 11:35
5 1.3K
Is it possible to have someone else view scripts?
18-08-16 22:11
2 356
Leaving cert alternative?
18-08-16 14:54
7 679
Do you think I have a chance of getting into my course through HEAR scheme?
18-08-16 20:46
3 368
Is everyone bricking it or nawh? 123
09-08-16 1:25
121 13.8K
Business result?
17-08-16 15:57
10 664
Leaving cert studying
16-08-16 16:11
8 678
Marking scheme
17-08-16 19:26
1 264
Repeating lc1/5th year
16-08-16 18:03
1 247
can you get a BDS in dentistry in Ireland without chemistry or a second science subje
17-08-16 15:35
0 129
Repeat a Subject
17-08-16 12:15
6 362
The Points Thread
16-08-16 12:10
1 620
Previous Leaving Cert. Results Days
15-08-16 16:36
6 1K
Bachelor of Arts Sport & Exercise (Soccer) CW827
16-08-16 21:16
1 229
5th and 6th year !
16-08-16 20:46
2 249
Leaving Cert German after 12 Years
16-08-16 8:18
7 532
LC Maths Books
15-08-16 11:56
2 282
Offered 8th choice on their CAO?
14-08-16 12:26
7 990
No Debs date
14-08-16 20:44
13 1.9K
Date for looking at scripts
14-08-16 6:13
5 417
Repeating fourth year
15-08-16 1:53
4 360
What happens if you do the OL paper for the Junior Cert... URGENT!
13-06-11 21:26
48 15.3K
Leaving Cert Physics Syllabus - Real World Physics 2000?
11-08-16 14:02
11 444
Checking LC results online.
13-08-16 21:40
1 381
Applied Language & Translation Studies at DCU?
13-08-16 15:40
2 498
Leaving cert advice
09-08-16 16:20
4 610
Results Night
10-08-16 20:13
1 627
10-08-16 9:52
2 328