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Can't remember book name - Help!
14-08-13 3:01
6 832
Ulysses guide
28-05-13 12:51
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The Pink Panthers (heist gang)
13-08-13 2:29
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Book Posters in Dublin
13-08-13 9:14
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Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad (Warning: Spoiler Alert)
12-08-13 12:53
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11-10-12 14:20
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Erewhon (pron. E-re-whon) By Samuel Butler
01-07-13 14:39
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Introducing someone to Maeve Binchy
01-08-13 10:10
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App for expanding vocabulary?
29-04-13 23:18
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Sherlock Holmes exhibition.
20-07-13 18:11
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Thomas Keneally
16-07-13 13:51
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Novels on WW1 for children age 9-11 - 100 yr anniversary 2014
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Can anyone name this book?
02-08-13 18:39
0 360
Thug Notes - Lord of the Flies Review
19-07-13 11:07
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Help me out with some recommendations?
23-07-13 21:38
1 460
19-07-13 10:40
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Realism in fantasy stories
05-06-13 20:33
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Irish Singer/Poet
12-07-13 11:02
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Women who run with wolves published in Polish
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African history books
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Anyone know of book club Dunlaoghaire area??
02-07-13 21:54
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Old school books in your attic
02-07-13 11:41
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REQUEST. The Farmers' Cabinet. where to find full set?
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Love, Dishonor, Marry, Die, Cherish, Perish: a Novel by...
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Tom Sawyer edition
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Where to buy? - Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
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Done with Chapters Bookstore!!!
27-06-13 14:59
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Character names
14-06-13 14:27
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John Banville
17-06-13 21:30
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Help remembering a book from childhood
21-02-12 7:42
9 1.6K