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Lone Wolf Series by Joe Denver
01-09-07 21:14
1 1.1K
Literature Quiz! 1234
12-08-06 11:59
158 6.4K
Atonement - Ian McEwan
13-03-07 16:37
11 919
Michael Crichton's Next
30-08-07 16:23
3 460
Good epic fantasy!
14-08-07 1:09
49 1.9K
The end of Mr Y
23-08-07 16:11
1 393
Dune by Frank Herbert
04-07-07 11:05
31 1.7K
Post colonial fiction/literature
11-08-07 13:17
7 596
Joyce and Ulysses.
07-08-07 23:55
11 787
New novel set in Dublin
16-08-07 22:41
1 429
Hands up who misses Hunter Thompson
17-08-07 1:41
0 396
Translated Irish History Books
15-08-07 16:16
0 400
Read Paul Williams BOOks
04-08-07 11:14
7 791
Looking for the Title (and Author) of a book
25-07-07 9:13
4 707
Books to take on holidays
13-08-07 12:40
0 435
Literary Financing
01-08-07 13:28
8 615
interested in starting a book club in Bray
05-08-07 18:48
0 623
Harry Potter 7-for those who have finished reading
21-07-07 15:08
39 2.2K
I have Deathly Hallows, Bloomsbury don't care.
17-07-07 16:56
13 1.5K
Survival Book
18-07-07 20:13
7 577
Legally speaking.....
22-07-07 16:36
2 479
Book review blog
25-04-07 23:34
12 906
Chapters Book and music store
19-07-07 8:47
7 1.3K
Looking for a book to explain Dreams
04-07-07 19:54
3 569
3 for 2 books in Easons
09-07-07 21:08
3 955
Recommend me a Book
13-07-07 22:35
0 370
Short stories
07-07-07 17:51
13 688
Book Reviews
05-07-07 9:13
7 680
The Strong Muldoon
09-07-07 9:53
0 603
Still Life with Woodpecker by Tom Robbins
08-07-07 15:09
2 456