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Gary Larson
16-08-06 15:20
25 9.2K
Jonathan Safran Foyer
15-08-06 9:17
1 634
The Kite Runner
13-08-06 20:42
1 443
Dean Koontz Books
10-08-06 21:11
4 397
The bluffers guide to ...
11-08-06 15:19
0 313
For the over 40s!
11-08-06 11:22
1 351
Ben Elton - The First Casualty
03-08-06 12:12
5 496
Recommended books for 12-14 age group?
02-08-06 11:45
14 784
Anybody read James Patterson?
06-08-06 1:29
1 340
What lit did you love (and hate) in English class?
03-06-06 15:18
49 1.4K
Your Favourite Book of all Time 1234
10-08-06 11:55
194 8K
HELLO! My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father,
08-08-06 23:01
25 922
ClockWork Orange - Anthony Burgess
05-08-06 4:43
9 463
Anybody read this book?
03-08-06 9:14
2 370
Virginia Andrews
24-07-06 21:27
16 759
Patricia Cornwell (Isle of Dogs)
15-06-06 12:11
2 338
Ishiguro's "Never Let Me Go"
05-08-06 1:09
4 476
Fruits Basket
28-07-06 0:38
1 361
HELP: Obscure Mid 20th Century Short Story Writer
02-08-06 15:23
1 403
Is this a bit much....
24-07-06 15:10
21 953
Recommend a poem for a wedding?
27-07-06 15:54
4 1.8K
That they May Face The Rising Sun
21-07-06 16:06
5 1.3K
Absurdists in Dublin?
19-07-06 13:18
7 458
Anne Rice
23-07-06 17:59
4 404
The Satanic Verses
23-07-06 17:41
6 536
Poetry Series (Co Dublin)
26-07-06 8:17
0 240
Good sites for eBooks???
21-07-06 10:01
1 391
Taughts and Thoughts
20-07-06 10:31
2 370
Anne Frank
05-07-06 17:01
24 2.5K
Recommend fantasy novels
12-07-06 1:49
17 989