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Long Term Illness

This forum is for the discussion of issues related to long term illness.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Post your web resources here
11-08-23 %k:19
39 36.2K
Flu vaccine - HSE recommended groups 2017
15-12-17 %k:08
7 2.8K
Welcome students, info regarding posting homework etc
04-03-17 %k:48
0 4.4K
Forum charter: Please read. Updated 22/02/16
22-02-16 %k:03
0 7.3K
Posting Surveys: PLEASE READ
Poll Sticky
08-01-15 %k:28
0 6.8K
Is this test worth while ''DNA Alzheimer’s Disease Test''
26-02-25 %k:39
4 129
[Diabetes] General Chat and Support Thread 12...103104
19-02-25 %k:09
5.2K 374.3K
Any alternative therapies for Psychosis and Depression?
17-02-25 %k:41
2 128
MS in all its glory 12...6364
14-02-25 %k:45
3.2K 310.7K
Viral lung infection
14-02-25 %k:01
0 84
Liver Cirrhosis diagnosis after a decade
14-02-25 %k:20
0 78
Gallbladder removal / dietary changes / bile salts
13-02-25 %k:36
2 195
Nurofen - How long can you take for?
12-02-25 %k:15
5 157
Heart Monitor
12-02-25 %k:27
3 91
Nurofen - How long can you take for?
12-02-25 %k:31
0 34
Diagnosed with scoliosis at 50
11-02-25 %k:36
8 274
Mri scan
08-02-25 %k:57
3 286
Anxiety and depression thread (Please read OP) 12...206207
06-02-25 %k:30
10.3K 528.9K
How do pharmacist double check prescriptions?
06-02-25 %k:29
5 265
disability aid/living aid
04-02-25 %k:14
0 32
Bulging disc injection
03-02-25 %k:36
43 1.4K
Which Hositpal Will my Dad go too
03-02-25 %k:38
4 273
Valdoxan(Agomelatine) cost in Ireland?
01-02-25 %k:34
8 114
Ozempic and increase in Blood Pressure
30-01-25 %k:20
4 321
Do pharmacists have access to my previous medical records
29-01-25 %k:24
25 2K
Chemist Ideas
29-01-25 %k:00
4 162
Adult ADHD Advice 12...1718
25-01-25 %k:53
887 113.1K
Hello everyone, has anyone had the procedure of Uterine Artery Embolization to shrink the fibroids d
19-01-25 %k:54
1 62
18-01-25 %k:41
6 151
Kids ADHD Diagnosis
13-01-25 %k:22
18 2.1K
Sensitivity to nosie
10-01-25 %k:26
8 181
Parent with Dementia
03-01-25 %k:05
7 756
Psoriasis 12...7071
31-12-24 %k:17
3.6K 377.1K
Positive outcomes from chiropractic
22-12-24 %k:12
1 81
addiction and autism
18-12-24 %k:44
0 111