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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Freepost Change of Ownership ?
30-10-23 14:26
8 1.9K
After market Radio issue
30-10-23 11:46
5 221
Burning Smell
29-10-23 21:49
1 261
NCT Fail help!
29-10-23 21:39
2 281
172 Auris hybrid 1.8 radio malfunction
29-10-23 15:30
2 131
2015 Kia Venga foglight problem.
29-10-23 15:23
6 208
Another High CO Emissions Thread!
29-10-23 12:57
12 373
UK used car market prices dropped 4.2% in October
29-10-23 12:26
3 371
Selling car privately - what is it worth?
28-10-23 19:37
6 512
Nissan qashqai
28-10-23 19:18
0 91
RX8 NCT situation :(
28-10-23 18:55
4 491
Is HVO the EV killer? 123
28-10-23 17:56
109 4.7K
Tesla Autopilot & Irish Law
28-10-23 10:18
12 869
Unusual license plate
28-10-23 10:03
3 401
Car dealer opinions
28-10-23 0:42
3 351
Driving licence for 73 year old
27-10-23 22:29
2 221
Donedeal ads huge price hike
27-10-23 19:27
24 4.1K
Mid-00's Irish car scene
27-10-23 10:40
17 1.2K
Getting a D reg on an import
26-10-23 15:40
40 2K
2015 Honda CRV key fobs malfunctioning. Batteries seem fine but functions changed.?
26-10-23 12:04
3 101
2014 Nissan Note
26-10-23 10:37
10 351
Bodywork damage repairs
26-10-23 9:31
0 72
Subaru Impreza 06
26-10-23 4:10
1 151
Tyre Sensor
25-10-23 15:49
9 277
Want to Register My Irish Car in Another EU Country (Forgot to Declare It Off the Road)
25-10-23 15:37
3 112
Scrap or sell on Done Deal for parts
25-10-23 15:01
5 371
Peugeot expert 2.0 hdi
25-10-23 14:57
2 151
Does claiming for windscreen actually increase your premium?
25-10-23 13:04
5 326
Partially flooded car from recent storm
25-10-23 9:36
3 462
Car sound system repair
25-10-23 9:19
9 241