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New Laptop Forum Has Opened on
20-03-05 20:54
0 190
Antec Aria PSU
20-03-05 20:51
2 312
Windows XP Media Centre Edition 2005, any good???
20-03-05 11:46
7 359
Optimising RAM
20-03-05 1:39
10 382
Chipset Heatsink fan
20-03-05 0:55
8 243
Is X950XT the name of ATI's R520?
19-03-05 4:37
20 520
any good?
18-03-05 20:56
5 259
Should i buy a new graphics card.. 12
18-03-05 19:58
53 1.1K
AMD CPU's Venice/San Diego/Turion/Toledo
17-03-05 23:54
20 673
Shut down problem- help needed
17-03-05 13:18
5 277
Doom 3 case mod
16-03-05 11:27
5 333
Advice needed!
16-03-05 11:10
3 358
Whole new setup, advice needed?
16-03-05 11:08
8 377
MS Performance Tool
16-03-05 2:34
0 214
what score would you get in 3dmark05 with 2 of these in SLI:D
15-03-05 23:03
24 590
waterchill and innovatek compatability
15-03-05 16:49
1 201
Graphics card swap
14-03-05 11:58
1 255
Intels Dual Core Processors 12
13-03-05 20:51
47 1.1K
For All You Extreme Laptop Owners Out There
13-03-05 3:08
4 385
New rig, any good?
13-03-05 0:58
22 522
cooling problems
13-03-05 0:46
9 309
Water Cooling
12-03-05 17:57
3 370
Selling A 5200
12-03-05 16:19
30 885
What graphics card?
12-03-05 12:36
3 277
Is there any shop in this fine Isle of ours that I can walk into and buy a 6800 Ultra
12-03-05 5:52
7 319
11-03-05 23:05
4 259
When ordering from
11-03-05 21:11
10 384
Starting a PC with a Tweasers 1234
10-03-05 18:42
108 2.9K
ati omega drivers
10-03-05 10:39
6 543
i wanna start again
10-03-05 1:11
2 261