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Pets & Pet Care

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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Post Your Pet Pics #2 (DON'T QUOTE PICS!) 12...5758
09-02-25 %k:16
2.9K 267K
Departed pets; 12...5354
25-01-25 %k:00
2.7K 339.6K
Lost and Found thread. **No Personal Contact Details ** 12...5657
17-05-24 %k:19
2.8K 480.8K
*REHOMING thread* (Once off requests only) 12...3940
13-05-24 %k:00
2K 362.2K
Ban on threads looking for pets.
06-05-20 %k:21
0 2.3K
Aggressive posting in P&PC
28-03-15 %k:50
0 27.1K
Charter, FAQ & Common/Popular Threads **UPDATED 8-11-2013***
13-01-11 %k:28
23-05-13 %k:07
0 35.5K
Please Read Before Buying A Puppy (Puppy Farm Awareness)
10-06-11 %k:24
1 52.2K
Another country bans Greyhound racing. 123
23-02-25 %k:04
101 2.3K
Probiotics for dogs
23-02-25 %k:33
6 110
Limerick city horses dying
21-02-25 %k:33
2 110
my poor wee dog aged 1.5 years diagnosed with kidney disease and a possible ectopic ureter?
18-02-25 %k:50
5 124
Kennels in Cork
17-02-25 %k:47
1 3
Rehoming a Cat
17-02-25 %k:37
1 63
Dog kennel recommendations Athlone to loughrea
14-02-25 %k:04
0 11
Irritable bowel disease
09-02-25 %k:37
8 191
Breed specific legislation, BSL, way to go, or forget about it?
09-02-25 %k:17
2 64
Dog food allowance and other social welfare benefits
07-02-25 %k:43
49 3.4K
Starter mid size dog
07-02-25 %k:26
12 487
Bed for Jack Russell
04-02-25 %k:32
1 81
Puppies for vaccinating
04-02-25 %k:31
4 104
Preparing a pet for overnight stays
30-01-25 %k:27
8 298
cat food
29-01-25 %k:11
30 4.5K
Lufthansa pets transport into Ireland issue
28-01-25 %k:05
36 2.1K
Australian Shepherd Puppy
27-01-25 %k:26
0 53
Trying to register our dog
24-01-25 %k:51
1 71
Roscoff to Cork ferry! Anyone got space for a dog in car! If not advice for getting a dog to ireland
12-01-25 %k:23
3 142
Solved with your advice thanks
06-01-25 %k:48
23 741
1 Year Old Cat with Fleas - need advice
26-12-24 %k:51
5 171
How to take a bone away from a dog safely?
22-12-24 %k:46
8 341
Pet drugs online
19-12-24 %k:48
21 1.9K
Pet Compliance Check Schiphol (Amsterdam)
04-12-24 %k:48
0 22
An annoying feral cat.
22-11-24 %k:07
39 1.3K
Maine Coon with dog
14-11-24 %k:55
2 61
Recommend a kennel/boarding solution for a nervous dog
12-11-24 %k:33
3 141
Adopting a six month old pug cross
11-11-24 %k:10
16 401
Cat ringworm and awkward neighbour. Advice needed please.
08-11-24 %k:47
30 1.2K
My dog, my garden and neighbours cat 1234
07-11-24 %k:39
163 16.5K