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Primary & Preschool

a guide and an exchange of opinions and advice about Primary & Preschool issues.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Are childcare based degrees valued in Ireland
17-04-18 10:37
0 188
Covering maternity leave primary-holiday pay?
13-04-18 21:47
2 348
Work in creche, which is more important hiring staff - qualifications or experience?
13-04-18 15:02
1 275
How long is a maternity leave for a primary teacher?
13-04-18 21:38
1 457
10-04-18 10:14
6 356
Irish Ferries Schools Project
10-04-18 10:40
2 251
Science / IT Summer camp in Sligo?
12-04-18 13:32
0 100
Early Childhood practitioners, opinions please?
09-04-18 21:28
4 355
Lack of work as an SNA
08-04-18 16:40
5 838
06-04-18 14:26
0 236
Daughter starting big school in Sept
29-03-18 12:21
23 1.6K
Hibernia April 2018
21-02-18 7:31
2 440
IRE/UK Teacher Training Primary
04-04-18 11:32
11 1.2K
SNA advice
18-04-17 16:32
8 6.7K
Easter camp open on good Friday?
26-03-18 11:09
2 321
Junior Infancy in St Brigids NS or Our Lady of Consolation ?
07-03-12 22:24
1 973
My childhood nightmare
20-03-18 14:48
3 600
Pre Leaving cert?
17-03-18 15:28
1 268
Apps or software Re: landmarks/capitals etc general knowledge
08-03-18 23:45
1 189
Educate Together & Religious Education
14-03-18 14:00
8 789
TEG b2 for teaching - any experience?
11-06-15 22:09
2 1.7K
Science Workshops for kids
08-03-18 23:50
3 320
Entry into St Pats through Hear option?
11-03-18 22:12
0 193
Assistant principal interview
09-03-18 15:50
0 1.3K
Fee for holding place in creche
23-02-18 16:00
48 3.6K
Communion: Catering v restaurant
04-03-18 16:24
6 661
Casual relief teaching in Oz our NZ
01-03-18 9:51
0 206
Broombridge ET - opinions
01-01-18 21:25
7 1.3K
Teaching primary
23-02-18 22:38
2 697
Can a Secondary teacher sub in primary?
28-01-18 13:20
6 902