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Rip Off Ireland

How can consumers in Ireland avoid being ripped off with the current spate of euro price hikes?
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Irish Rail Belfast fare
24-11-09 10:31
19 2.8K
Marks and Spencer Online
27-11-09 18:39
13 4.3K
An post redirection service
27-11-09 9:19
6 1.7K
Flavel Fires Curve Gas Fire
27-11-09 10:00
0 1.1K
Fair play Book stataion
26-11-09 9:43
0 557
Tower Records Wicklow Street Royal Ripoff 12
09-11-09 10:56
67 8.5K
Smyths Toys Online Store Delivery Ripoff
23-11-09 22:54
2 1.7K
50/50 Finance
23-11-09 14:07
7 2.4K
Ribena Drinkers Beware
23-11-09 15:50
3 1.1K
hosting charges
13-11-09 22:29
4 872
Online pricing? $ = €? :/
23-11-09 0:00
3 704
BreatheRight (The Apprentice)
21-11-09 12:27
5 1K
Maplin rip off on pricing of special offers
18-02-09 13:14
17 5.3K
Irish times reader offer
14-11-09 1:33
3 1.3K
shipping advice
11-11-09 22:01
2 824
Car insurance- Shop around
12-11-09 23:18
1 1.1K
Cosmetics' shopping
12-11-09 13:36
0 553
Speedo Online Shop Swimwear Cost in EURO
26-10-09 13:00
5 3.8K
Boots 3 for 2 christmas promotion
01-11-09 20:25
17 2.8K
24-10-09 23:36
13 2.4K
Before posting a rip off thread comparing prices in the UK to here ...
01-11-09 11:54
9 1.4K
Neilmed Sinus Rinse
29-10-09 12:18
5 5.6K
05-11-09 16:41
23 2.6K
Rip Off Ireland
31-10-09 9:23
10 1.4K
Sony Store
24-08-09 14:35
18 2.8K
O2 iPhone "free" Irish swindle!!.
07-11-09 11:02
4 1.3K
hardly normal (our aussie friends!!)
03-11-09 15:37
10 1.6K
UK Retailer Rip Offs
31-10-09 9:10
6 959
Contact lenses at a mad price
21-09-09 23:13
16 4.6K
Sterling/Euro Rip Off at Laura Ashley in Dublin
19-10-09 20:35
8 6.6K