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managing the unmanagable
09-10-05 1:47
8 551
FM05: Post your weird/exciting games!
08-10-05 11:10
25 809
Do you know anyone in FM 2005?
07-10-05 11:25
32 1.3K
06-10-05 23:59
0 336
hardest managment job
06-10-05 23:39
1 385
My Arsenal Team
06-10-05 14:41
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Training kills
05-10-05 22:21
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Busy chedule
02-10-05 17:11
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30-09-05 13:45
1 651
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Freddy Adu- how old can you go?
29-09-05 16:16
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Issah Eliakwu All 3 goals of the month
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Manager Stories-Just a Suggestion
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28-09-05 9:02
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And Arsene Wenger thinks he has it bad...
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Chelsea in 2010 (lots of pics)
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sortitoutsi is back!!!
24-09-05 19:40
0 394
Football Manager 2005 face pack
24-09-05 18:13
1 1.4K
Training and improving player stats
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1 355
FM2006 Beta Demo
19-09-05 16:03
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Processing times in FM2005
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CM 00/01 Training Help
12-09-05 14:23
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Help with my update folders
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Bradley Wright-Phillips scores a magical goal!!
08-09-05 22:22
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Fm Psp
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bring it on
06-09-05 22:53
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Good players in Irish league (free, preferably)
06-09-05 11:34
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Will they?/Won't They?
05-09-05 16:10
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04-09-05 23:11
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editor question
04-09-05 16:33
3 356