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Surveys and non-media research

College researchers, surveys and polls all to be found in here.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Your experience of making friends
22-06-18 16:54
0 476
Digital Marketing Survey
16-02-18 19:43
1 484
Online questionnaire about Job Satisfaction
19-03-18 14:57
2 391
[Survey] Holiday
19-03-18 14:12
0 329
04-03-18 17:37
1 395
Baby bibs and teething
19-02-18 22:53
0 376
Calling all pregnant Boardsies! I'd love to know about your experiences!
02-10-17 21:48
7 505
Need more respondents? Use Poll-Pool
08-01-18 18:23
0 228
A survey on health, happiness and consumer behavior (18+)
06-01-18 23:07
0 169
Rental market survey! (Help a student out!)
15-11-17 11:50
1 333
Teaching cooking
06-11-17 16:34
1 214
Mexican Restaurant Survey
27-09-17 11:46
1 354
Userneeds survey-any good?
17-08-16 21:01
4 5.7K
Breastfeeding Stories
03-08-17 21:53
0 13
Why do people listen to music on Vinyl?
12-07-17 9:15
0 328
Children, photography, social media: PhD survey
05-07-17 0:04
3 297
Survey for anyone who has ever had to use a Funeral Directors
04-07-17 10:52
0 307
Your good deed for the day (for charity)
26-03-17 19:26
0 410
Survey for College
17-03-17 11:09
0 43
If you work in an office, please respond to this for me.
07-02-17 14:48
10 1.2K
Budget Holiday Creator site
26-01-17 21:41
0 562
NRH Cookbook Survey
18-01-17 19:50
0 472
Information on communication programs (Autism)
05-12-16 4:55
0 507
Experiences with rats
13-11-16 10:33
0 598
Commuting and Transport survey
11-08-16 14:34
0 504
emergency tax without dole finding out
29-07-16 14:18
1 572
8 question survey
10-06-16 20:10
2 643
Seeking research participants
13-05-16 15:09
0 507
Small business Survey on Big Data
06-04-16 14:29
2 1K
Hearing dogs - is there a demand?
22-07-15 7:49
1 1.3K