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Theatre, Performing Arts & Musicals

All the world's a stage.
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Advice re:Musical Theatre Performance Courses in UK & Ireland?
10-01-11 14:00
0 706
Les Miserables 25th Anniversary Concert
03-10-10 8:02
28 6.3K
If this was a trailer.. Would you watch it?
04-01-11 4:14
0 505
02-01-11 2:22
0 655
best salsa class? (Dublin)
01-07-08 14:19
7 6.2K
Grand Canal Theatre..
03-07-10 21:56
13 8.6K
Vicar Street Stall Seating
22-12-10 18:30
0 1.3K
Beauty and the Best @ Tivoli
21-12-10 18:42
0 596
St Patrick's Salsa Festival
12-12-10 10:21
0 613
for rent .
09-12-10 1:38
0 729
A new forum for dancers
07-12-10 11:48
0 494
Christmas on Broadway
05-12-10 18:08
2 948
Breakdance classes in Dublin
02-12-10 21:51
0 825
Jeff Waynes Musical Version Of The War Of The Worlds?
05-06-09 13:55
24 4.2K
Youth choir Dilemma
29-11-10 18:48
0 568
Is the play "Philadelphia, Here I come" suitable for children?
12-11-10 10:22
5 1K
Grass for a set
29-11-10 12:59
0 609
Where to find actors?
25-11-10 1:05
3 1K
Improv Everywhere - Ireland
12-10-10 10:23
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Starting a Class and Require Dance Coach...
11-11-10 22:16
1 963
Fire breathing/fire eating??
19-08-10 15:00
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Amateur Drama Groups (Dublin) - interested in acting? sign up here! 12
22-10-07 13:38
66 29.1K
Getting Into Acting
12-11-10 3:09
4 1.4K
Ballet Flash Mob
21-10-10 20:38
2 772
Hairspray "the musical"
05-02-10 9:20
17 7.5K
Desperately seeking 1 "Festival of Lights" ticket
04-11-10 17:45
0 523
Masquerade Masks
27-10-10 4:08
1 1K
Actors equity
03-11-10 11:12
2 603
mastermind set
01-11-10 19:47
2 630
Face Putty
25-10-10 15:59
3 929