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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Assistance testing new DIT car-sharing website
15-02-11 15:55
8 1.3K
DIT, to go or not to go??
15-02-11 23:54
11 2.8K
Travellling to and from Kevin street
13-02-11 22:34
16 4K
Convert degree result to GPA? 1:1 --> GPA
18-02-11 10:02
4 5.3K
Rag Trip
28-01-07 19:23
29 2.4K
Lost Wallet
14-02-11 17:03
3 832
Culinary Arts
07-01-11 12:26
2 1.2K
Management Accounting
15-02-11 17:21
0 538
DIT Ombudsman
13-02-11 15:24
9 1.7K
Whats wrong with DIT
25-02-09 19:54
46 7.5K
Human Nutrition & Dietetics DT223
15-12-10 20:08
2 1.5K
Student Papers/Mags
11-02-11 14:56
1 684
Personal Circumstances/ Professional Opinion Form?
10-02-11 21:36
1 1.6K
Masters Programmes in DIT
10-02-11 22:16
1 1.2K
CAO form
10-02-11 21:57
1 567
10-02-11 12:49
1 615
Found an ipod today
09-02-11 20:48
1 714
22-08-09 17:59
8 1.4K
society websites downtime
31-01-11 13:20
6 987
International Business with German
27-01-11 20:33
5 1.8K
Study Abroad
02-02-11 19:58
1 689
MA Creative Digital Media
02-01-11 2:31
4 1.8K
Exam Results.
20-01-11 16:02
14 2.7K
Vis comm fees?
29-01-11 16:11
3 817
DT211 - Computing - FEES
01-02-11 14:51
9 2.1K
Thesis in HRM
02-02-11 11:59
1 585
Mathematical Sciences DT205
04-01-11 21:37
3 1.3K
Aviation Technology
09-01-11 6:31
7 2.8K
This new LMA scheme...
27-09-10 20:23
17 3.3K
College Placements
29-01-11 10:39
1 721