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TU Dublin/DIT

Technological University Dublin; formerly Dublin Institute of Technology.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Problem sending mail
21-04-09 13:25
1 1.4K
03-03-09 23:38
4 829
DIT Shamrock Rovers Supporters Club?
30-03-09 10:55
17 1.5K
Website needed!
15-04-09 11:21
5 679
What do yas think??
16-04-09 2:23
10 1.1K
DT003 - Manutronics Automation
17-02-09 11:54
5 2.4K
09-04-09 23:39
18 3K
DIT Site Down-WTF??
14-04-09 14:09
41 2.4K
Library opening times this Easter
31-03-09 15:58
12 1.6K
Course transfer
01-04-09 23:38
11 925
13-04-09 19:48
0 365
Class List email
09-03-09 20:53
7 1.3K
exam timetables
30-03-09 18:18
8 913
10-04-09 14:44
0 369
Games Soc win Society of the Year!
03-04-09 19:50
17 1.6K
One year LLB
07-04-09 15:51
0 483
Student Assistance Fund?
02-04-09 22:30
6 2.7K
Repeat exams - registering???
05-04-09 15:00
3 727
DIT Suitability test for architecture
05-04-09 20:45
2 1.7K
Data Comms Password
01-04-09 19:24
3 509
Whats right with DIT
01-03-09 15:00
7 1.3K
Programming languages in Comp. Science/Computing?
10-03-09 11:14
16 1.7K
04-12-08 15:39
19 2.4K
DIT Aptitude Test
01-04-09 16:59
0 641
DIT to St Mary's RFC
31-03-09 13:52
1 1.1K
DT111 -QS Rome Trip 2009
29-03-09 23:27
1 1.1K
DIT Battle of the Bands
15-02-09 19:17
16 2.4K
28-03-09 15:38
0 469
1000th DIT Thread
27-03-09 14:17
3 627
Funding for Part time post grad courses
27-03-09 12:13
3 813