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University of Limerick.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Exams before or after Christmas?
15-01-14 16:23
19 1.5K
Co-op Report
20-01-14 14:27
3 884
08-01-14 20:51
25 2.1K
1bed + own bathrm for rent to PHD, postdoc or professional
16-01-14 23:37
0 414
What's psychiatric nursing?
16-01-14 21:39
0 421
Repeat Exam Refund.
16-01-14 4:15
2 434
Room needed March/April
15-01-14 18:18
1 401
Garda Age Card
09-09-13 13:23
7 1.3K
27-12-13 15:49
2 763
Emails down again?!
08-01-14 20:55
5 576
When do we go back?
06-01-14 1:00
11 1.3K
Silver Apples Creche
08-02-10 14:41
6 3.6K
selling a bike..
01-10-13 14:49
1 664
3rd Year QCA Query - How much can I improve it in 4th Year?
10-12-13 9:27
16 8.9K
Business/International Business in UL. What jobs?
30-12-13 21:04
1 1.4K
2 double rooms. €50/week
23-12-13 12:39
0 500
Happy Christmas
21-12-13 18:52
0 426
Missed exam due to illness
18-12-13 21:05
4 969
How Screwed are you for the looming exams?
04-12-13 12:25
25 2.7K
PE teaching fees
19-12-13 20:05
1 671
New student centre
09-12-13 14:44
10 1.3K
How many modules can you fail in a semester?
11-12-13 12:25
3 1.1K
Refund for accommodation
27-11-13 20:49
11 1.6K
MSc in Marketing, Consumption and Society
10-12-13 13:04
0 515
What'll happen if I failed a module?
08-12-13 21:42
4 911
Has anyone failed an Erasmus module in UL?
06-12-13 21:12
5 3.9K
Essay Papers from home
06-12-13 13:20
1 539
top 5 courses
29-11-13 11:29
4 1.3K
Springboard - Quality Engineering for Medical Technologies
23-08-13 20:51
3 1.2K
1st Year BBS accounting case study 12
27-10-09 17:17
73 16.7K