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University of Limerick.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Fees 2013/14
27-08-13 19:19
0 260
Wasted time in UL
24-08-13 23:12
9 1.5K
library times
26-08-13 10:39
2 235
I Grade
26-08-13 13:58
4 402
Computer Systems question
20-08-13 16:41
11 1.7K
24-08-13 14:32
3 416
Fencing club
23-08-13 15:04
3 408
Orientation Packs
19-08-13 9:00
8 969
1st year boards meet up anyone?
22-08-13 1:19
33 2.4K
About the lecturers?
23-08-13 19:51
4 682
Unable to access UL Network
23-08-13 21:20
17 1.2K
Transfer from IT Tralee - UL (H.C. in Advanced Business to BBus 3rd Year)
24-08-13 16:13
0 255
Confused about fees?? (first year)
20-08-13 21:22
25 2K
How to set up the new email on an iPhone?
22-08-13 1:38
2 424
Room to Rent near UL - Brú Na Grúadán - Share with Two Medicine Students
21-08-13 14:12
0 254
Soccer in UL this evening at 8pm.
21-08-13 13:11
0 427
Aerospace in CW to Aeronautical in UL
19-08-13 14:25
4 752
15-08-13 14:47
18 1.8K
UL Special Maths Entrance exam?
19-08-13 20:59
3 1.2K
Building GEMS0016?
20-08-13 10:47
1 518
Housemate needed, 250 a month
19-08-13 23:37
0 234
computer games development/programming 2 repeat
18-08-13 19:39
2 447
Library fines
18-08-13 17:17
15 1.3K
Skype/Facetime on UL Wireless not working
18-08-13 14:43
1 381
Fees letters?
16-08-13 19:22
0 356
08-08-13 16:03
10 1.3K
Midterm break for Autumn semester 2013?
15-08-13 20:45
2 497
sports science from cit
15-08-13 21:11
0 323
Room Mates Needed
14-08-13 1:18
2 458
room mated needed in Milford Grange
15-08-13 13:02
1 326