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Waterford County

County Waterford.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
The Tannery, Portlaw.
28-03-12 10:41
1 1.5K
Great news for County Waterford. Mercyhurst expands!
26-03-12 16:42
0 580
Horses on Tramore Beach?
13-03-12 17:07
10 2.6K
Looking for a reliable Mechanic
02-03-12 14:43
5 1.9K
Deise Astronomy Society
22-03-12 2:24
0 405
the bridge apartments dungarvan
18-03-12 20:38
1 781
Illegal Dumping at Portlaw Forestry
12-03-12 22:53
3 731
Anyone eaten in the Bride View Bar in Tallow recently?
14-02-12 15:46
6 1.9K
Fun Run - Stradbally
16-03-12 15:56
1 505
satellite installer Dungarvan
08-03-12 20:57
1 1.9K
Debs dress
13-03-12 21:44
1 1.5K
What stone is that?
13-03-12 17:05
1 585
Where are you from in d Deise? 12
02-07-07 17:07
61 5K
Party Cosutome shop Waterford Area
11-03-12 18:44
3 631
Contract Cleaner in Tramore?
10-03-12 19:48
0 425
Dunmore goes mobile
29-11-11 0:48
1 704
tramore amusement park
05-03-12 19:46
3 938
Moving to Dungarvan - Where to rent???
12-12-11 21:14
15 7.2K
Fundraising Event Sunday 3 March in aid of the Deise Animal Sanctuary
03-03-12 19:26
0 422
skip hire in Dungarvan/West Waterford
01-03-12 13:47
1 1.4K
Dolphin and Seal shot dead in Tramore
24-02-12 13:19
12 1.7K
any tractor drivers here ? help
20-02-12 20:37
3 910
Warning to tramore dog walkers
10-02-12 22:41
6 1.3K
waterford coast
17-02-12 9:00
2 652
Ortho in Dungarvan
16-02-12 19:50
0 567
TV, Broadband and phone?
01-01-12 11:33
6 1.5K
Weight Disks to buy
07-02-12 21:26
2 472
Where to get ZAFU cushions in waterford area or preferably Dungarvan
08-02-12 23:05
0 748
ZAFU to buy...Dungarvan area
07-02-12 21:28
0 476
Tramore Hinterland Newspaper
31-01-12 19:00
1 2K