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Waterford County

County Waterford.
Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
places to see
06-11-11 14:15
15 1.8K
Lost Dog - Tramore
15-11-11 1:02
1 2.1K
Tramore Playground Closed??
13-11-11 12:32
1 976
Dungarvan Town Council bin service
09-11-11 11:57
2 2.4K
Dunhill Castle Map
12-11-11 14:42
3 1.1K
Chimney sweep near Dungarvan
04-10-10 18:27
2 3.3K
windmill on the cunnigar
18-10-11 21:29
19 2.4K
Tramore night out
01-11-11 13:40
13 1.3K
Air Show for Waterford
04-11-11 11:08
3 2K
anyone know of a horse dats needs rehoming
29-10-11 16:43
6 983
Sea Front Development Tramore ?
02-11-11 16:03
2 761
Hold Up in Tramore
22-10-11 23:06
4 1.5K
Why are pebble beach holiday homes in tramore available so cheap?
18-05-11 20:33
12 9.7K
Flooding in Tramore?
24-10-11 20:17
5 1.1K
Dog found at Kilfarrassy beach today
29-10-11 17:27
2 544
Anyone lost a dog in the Clonea Strand area Nr Dungarvan?
30-10-11 13:10
0 479
Food near Faithlegg?
24-10-11 17:18
6 1.5K
house of horrors tramore rd. business park.
25-10-11 10:00
5 2.1K
16-06-11 19:31
2 1.6K
Ballinacourty 2011 Senior Football Champions
25-10-11 13:12
0 503
Converting Video Tapes to DVD in Dungarvan
12-10-11 21:26
5 1.2K
Moving to Tramore
16-10-11 23:29
6 1.5K
18-10-11 21:38
3 1.2K
Bed &Breakfast
17-10-11 16:34
0 404
Garda Station
11-10-11 9:14
3 1K
Pitch and Putt in Tramore
15-07-11 13:55
5 1.2K
Army Disposal Team Called to Lancaster Labs
15-10-11 10:54
0 554
cunnigar beach
12-10-11 21:23
2 1.1K
Saffron Indian Restaurant Lismore
29-09-11 22:10
6 3.5K
Break in
07-10-11 14:44
2 757