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Came crawling back ....



  • Registered Users Posts: 88 ✭✭rusalka

    I'm not an expert, by any means, but your weight loss and BF reduction sound great to me - well done!

    I got back on the wagon myself on the 9th Jan, and did my weekly weigh-in yesterday. I've lost 7 lbs in the 3 weeks, and tbh, I was a bit disappointed. I've been really good with my diet (I've cut back on the carbs and I've eaten loads of grilled fish and broccoli! :rolleyes:), and I've been alternating between running as fast as I can and doing aerobics, at least 4-5 times a week, and I really thought I'd have lost a bit more, because I'm honestly pushing myself. :( Damn you, metabolism!

    Anyway, it's really encouraging for me to see your great reduction in BF - I'll be watching out for your continued measurements! :)

    I must get me one of those monitor jobbies, as I'm hoping that perhaps my weight loss is seemingly slower than expected if I'm building muscle through the running, etc. I, too, am noticing a change in my clothes (great feeling, isn't it?!) - lost some wobble around the gut, jeans fitting much better around the waist, and a just-about-noticeable reverse in the butt-slide down my legs!! :o Perky-ass here I come! :D

    All the best - keep up the great work!


  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Thanks for the words Rusalka, hope all is going well in your own attempts too.

    Its been a while since the last update because i've been out of the country again. So i check the weight and BF% last night and they're both the same.

    I should have expected that to be honest because while i've been away my diets been bad due to working exteremly long days (up to 16 hours) and with flying etc.No gym where I was and I've been too beat to do anything anyway.

    No excuse I know but i'm back into things again this morning. Hoping to start the lifting routine that I previously posted from scratch agian starting tonight, I hope.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Current Weight - 15 Stone 4 Lbs
    Total Loss - 10 Lbs

    At least it went down this week :) Its been a dissapointing week in terms of lifting. I didnt really get anything of note done. I'm spening all my nights doing trying to get my house sorted out (plastering, cleaning down walls etc.) so i'm in there almost every night. I'm not finishing until late enough so i'm not getting time to do any lifting. I thought about getting in a pre work session but I'm having problems getting up as it is at 6am let alone 5am. Ill have to work something out.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    I fell off the wagon the last week or so. It was a combination of long working hours and stuff needing doing at home just left me with no time to lift anything and my eating gradually went to ****.

    I'm back on again this morning, I've enlisted one of the lads to lift with me three times a week in the nights now so ill have no excuse not to do it when he takes the effort of driving over.

    Food is cooked in advance for the week again.

    Ill be starting the 10 x 3 plan originally posted from scratch again. Most likely from wens night I would think because I have to clear out the lifting area in the shed first before I can do anything.

    I want this to work, but my resolve seems to be weak as of late, I have no idea why, I usent have this problem but its crept in for the last couple of years. Its something needs addressing I think.

    Ill also try update the journal on a more regular basis instead of once a week.

    So take two - begin.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Wegihed in last night but couldnt find the tape measure. Still seem to be 15 st 4 so maybe I didnt do as bad as I thought. Eatings been back on track since the last posting. Lifting was due to start last night but both of us were unavailable :rolleyes: If theres another instance of this ill go back to doing it myself.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Weighed this morning - 14st 13lb
    Total Loss to Date - 15lb

    Back to lifting, eating has been pretty much immaculate this week too. Nice to see some more going, will check bf% with the tape measure tonight.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Two more points I have now to embarass myself into training harder -

    (1) Gem's Boards Summer Beach Body Super Challenge

    (2) Secondly out walking in the forestry by my house with my father last night and the man left me for dust. Just to recap the he's 52 and i'm 23 when keeping pace with him I couldnt catch my breath. Now fair enough he has a background of over 30 years hard labouring on a site and I work with computers, but still, no excuse. Talk about severly embarrassing. I really need to work on my cardio I think.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    This begins today, I just want to continue using the same log as opposed to splitting it out so for the next 8 weeks this will monitor my progress.

    Firstly thanks to G'em for organising this, a lot of people have stepped forward to take part in ths and she should be proud of the work she put into those stickies.

    So i'm already a day behind everyone else so ill have to put some more base ground work in today.

    I have the food side of things taken care of, chicken fillets cooked and frozen, fruit water, absense of bread etc.

    I have to research a new lifting routine which I will post up here later today.

    Measurements & photos will be taken later. I did however step on the scales this morning and my weight has gone back up to 15 Stone 6 Lbs, i'm hoping that at least some of that is water retention (I know its not all after a week of excess but still one can hope)

    Goal -
    Loose body Fat, as much as possible

    Week 1 - Begin

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    8 Week Program Based one the following Article -

    Attachment not found.

    It may need revising about halfway through to change it up a little but it should do. It also covers 4 of 5 of the required exercise sessions, the other should be covered by surfing at the weekends (or an additional session when one of the 4 prespecified ones fall on a surfing day).

    Measurements and pictures to come.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    As Posted in challenge thread -
    Measurements as taken just now -

    Neck - 40 cm
    Chest (1) - 109 cm
    Bicep - 39 cm
    Wrist - 17 cm
    Waist (2) - 112 cm
    Top of legs (3) - 64 cm
    Knee (4) - 50 cm
    Calf - 44 cm
    Body weight - 216 Lbs
    Bodyfat - 31.58%

    The BF% was calculated using the "Tape measure method" on the following site as I cant really use my calipers well enough for them to be any use to me.

    I want to see that %age drop dramatically over these 8 weeks !

    Lifting complete for today as specified in spreadsheet -

    Db Bench Press 1*6 (60KG * 4 Circuit, 50KG * 2 Circuit)
    Db Flies 1*6 (10KG Each Hand)
    Rest 2 Minutes
    Pull-Ups 1*6 (B/W Only - Assisted)
    One Arm Dumbell Row 1*6 (20KG)
    Rest 2 Minutes

    Repeat all times 6

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Tonight -

    Lactate Inducing Workout 1

    Circuit 1
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 1*15
    Front Squat - 1*15
    One Armed Db Row - 1*15
    Lunges - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Circuit 2
    Db Bench Press - 1*15
    Back Squat - 1*15
    Deadlift - 1*15
    Stiff Leg Deadlift - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Circuit 3 (Optional)
    Standing Barbell Curl - 1*15
    Calf Raise - 1*15
    Close Grip Bench Press - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15
    Military Press - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Lactic Work Phase
    Run 30 sec - Sprint 60 Sec (20 Mins)

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Progress as posted on the official Week 1 thread -
    Post 1
    Post 2
    Post 3

    Goal Recap -
    (1) Drop body fat
    (2) Be able to complete the circuit that kicked my ass last night completely by the end of the eight weeks

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Food was pretty good yesterday, made burritos for the dinner and may have overindulged on them slightly (Should have wrapped it in lettuce too other than tortillas). Still could be worse I suppose.

    Today I want to buy a digital scales as well as the crappy one I have is acting up and very hard to read at the best of times.

    Back to lifting today -
    Heavy Lifting Quads/Hams Phase
    Back Squat 1*6
    Lunges 1*6
    Stiff Leg Deadlift 1*6
    Glute Ham Raise 1*6
    Repeat Circuit 6 Times

    Will have to substitute the Glute raises for something else though.

    Will probably take some of my 10 Units of alcohol tonight as its one of the guys birthdays. Will drink bottles as they can be measured easier (cant drink wine/spirits).

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Weekend didnt go too well I guess, could have been better -

    Friday Night -
    Had 5 Bottles beer which I thinks amounts to 10 units roughly, I infortunately ended up having a couple of slices of pizza too as one of the lads bought it for me and the G/F.

    Lifting Circuit, started off lifting it but decided to try something different a little bit into it. Decided to see what my 1RM for the three main lifts were (never checked before). Worked out as follows -

    Bench - 80KG
    Squat - 100KG
    Deadlift - 140KG

    Dont know how good bad those are but its nice to know. I felt I could do more with the squat but since I lift at home I dont have the relevant safety equipment, ill have to build an additional rack onto my squat stands or something.

    Saturday -
    Was plastering all day sat so the diet suffered a bit, then ended up having a chow mein that evening because I was hungry and didnt have time to cook.

    Was bolloxed hauling stuff around all dy but I feel the work done constitutes enough to cover a half hour of exercise for this day.

    Sunday -
    Didnt go too bad, dinner portion sizes could have been downsized though.

    Off day, went surfing for an hour.

    Measurements noted for start of week two.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,548 ✭✭✭siochain

    Hi C-13,

    Don’t beat yourself you over an off weekend, stuff happens and thing come up that can knock us off track for a day or two. Man you’ve made great progress since January, today’s a new day and the start of a new training week.

    I really like the circuits you’re using, particularly circuit 1, they way you alternate between upper body to lower body movements. The makes the body work really hard due to the change in blood flow, this way your getting a good cardio workout while doing weights.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    siochain wrote: »
    Hi C-13,

    Don’t beat yourself you over an off weekend, stuff happens and thing come up that can knock us off track for a day or two. Man you’ve made great progress since January, today’s a new day and the start of a new training week.

    I really like the circuits you’re using, particularly circuit 1, they way you alternate between upper body to lower body movements. The makes the body work really hard due to the change in blood flow, this way your getting a good cardio workout while doing weights.

    Thanks Siochain, the only thing is its not only one weekend, my will power seems to waver between non existant and rock solid. I can go days without eating any crap and then throw it all away in the space of an hour !

    All I can do at this stage is soldier on, chalk it up to experience and make sure it doesnt happen again (I blame that new Chinese takeaway that opened next door :))

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,584 ✭✭✭c - 13

    Last Night -
    Db Bench Press 1*6 @ 60 KG
    Db Flies 1*6 @ 15 KG Each Hand
    Rest 2 Minutes
    Pull-Ups 1*6 B/W Assisted
    One Arm Dumbell Row 1*6 @ 22.5 KG
    Rest 2 Minutes

    Repeat all times 6

    Imporvement on last time out, increaded weight on alllifts except Bench press and still had to do assisted pull ups.

    Tonight -
    Lactate Inducing Workout 1

    Circuit 1
    Barbell Bent Over Row - 1*15
    Front Squat - 1*15
    One Armed Db Row - 1*15
    Lunges - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Circuit 2
    Db Bench Press - 1*15
    Back Squat - 1*15
    Deadlift - 1*15
    Stiff Leg Deadlift - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Circuit 3 (Optional)
    Standing Barbell Curl - 1*15
    Calf Raise - 1*15
    Close Grip Bench Press - 1*15
    Crunch - 1*15
    Military Press - 1*15

    Perform 3 Times - Rest 2 Minutes

    Lactic Work Phase
    Run 30 sec - Sprint 60 Sec (20 Mins)

    Not looking forward to this one ....
