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Mens Rights Thread



  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Almost a variety of "meteorite destroys Earth; women worst affected"
    Conference - Women, Solidarity, and Ecology

    A multidisciplinary conference exploring the disproportionate impact of ecological degradation on women, with a special focus on environmental and gender injustice such as that arising from mining and other forms of extractivism.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    A Jesuit adopting feminist language and viewpoints:

    Jesus and the pandemic of violence against women

    In the spring issue of Spiritus, a leading journal in spirituality studies, Michael O’Sullivan SJ addresses what he calls the “shadow pandemic” of violence against women and girls. It is a shadow pandemic as it thrives in the circumstances generated by the COVID-19 pandemic, so it escalates when lockdown rules become more restrictive. Dr O’Sullivan notes that there was a surge in domestic violence in Ireland directed at women in their 30s and older during the most severe COVID restrictions, perhaps the only crime type that rose during these times.
    In his conclusion Dr O’Sullivan suggests that these reflections on Jesus’s authentic attention to the lives of women and his resistance to the patriarchal culture could offer “spiritual guidance and motivation for overcoming the shadow pandemic of violence against women highlighted by COVID-19”. They could prompt questions that people might ask themselves: What are the cultural and religious factors that damage women’s health and well-being? What puts their lives in danger? In what areas are women discriminated against? How can they be supported to overcome the discrimination?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Another women-have-it-worse piece.
    Can’t bring myself to investigate if there is strong evidence for it.
    I wonder would the NUI Galway account be equally likely to highlight a “men have it worse” claim.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    iptba wrote: »
    Viral video shows white woman calling cops on black man because he asked her to leash her dog

    One could look at this in 3 ways: false accusation by a woman against a man; racism; sexism.
    White woman sues over termination after calling police on a Black man in Central Park

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Women earn significantly less than men at big Irish companies based in UK
    Legislation on the cards as analysis of pay gap published

    The gap for Ryanair is 62%. The article explains this:
    However, many employers are quick to point out that they pay the same amount to people in the same job, regardless of gender. The gender pay gap may show women earn less than men – but they are not necessarily in the same jobs.

    This is because it is based on the earnings of all men working in an organisation compared with all women, and can be explained by a higher portion of women in lower paid roles.

    It is understood that Ryanair pilots earn between €150,000 and €200,000 a year, and industry sources said annual cabin crew salaries were in the region of €25,000 to €35,000.

    “Ninety-seven per cent of our UK employees are pilots and cabin crew, all of whom are paid identically for the same job regardless of gender,” said Ryanair in a statement.
    “It is a global feature of the aviation industry that women are under-represented within the pilot profession. However, we are actively working with our training partners and trainees to promote female role models and to encourage more women to take up the piloting profession so we can build on our recent successes in attracting more female pilot applicants.”
    I wouldn't be surprised if female applicants are now at an advantage or put another way male applicants are at a disadvantage.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,028 ✭✭✭H3llR4iser

    iptba wrote: »

    I wouldn't be surprised if female applicants are now at an advantage or put another way male applicants are at a disadvantage.

    At least, on the face, looks like they want to approach this the right way by trying to figure out why there are still so few women becoming pilots and do something about it that is not just "quotas" (although I'm not sure "role models" alone would work).

    This post comes at the right time - over the week end I was looking for information about the F-14 Tomcat and stumbled upon the tragic story of Lt. Kara Hultgreen, the first carrier based female fighter pilot in the US Navy - who was killed in an accident only months after her graduation.

    Officially, Lt. Hultgreen was killed by a "pilot error", a failure to respond to a well-known and well-documented "handling characteristic" (read: technical fault) of the Tomcat, whose engines were prone to compressor stall when the airflow entering them wasn't straight (e.g. excessive yaw situations).

    The reality was, there had been "concessions" and "corners being cut" in her training (alongside with a handful other female cadets), in order to pretty much create news-worthy headlines about "first female pilots". As a result, Lt. Hultgreen lost her life at just 29 years of age.

    There's plenty to read about it on the web, but this excerpt from the Wikipedia article about her pretty much sums things up:
    Elaine Donnelly of the Center for Military Readiness, suggested that Hultgreen "may have been the victim of a flawed policy" that overlooked her mistakes in training, two of which were similar to those that caused her death.[9] Carey Dunai Lohrenz, the other pilot named by the center, subsequently brought a suit for defamation against the CMR but lost because the court determined that, by virtue of her status as one of the first women to attempt to qualify as a carrier combat pilot, she was a "public figure" and had to prove malice on the part of those who published the charge of favoritism. She appealed but her appeal was denied with a statement that "Our conclusion about Lt. Lohrenz's public figure status does not suggest that she was not a good Naval aviator trying to do her job, and it does not penalize her for acting with 'professionalism.'"[10]

    An Accuracy in Media article quotes CDR Tom Sobiek, commanding officer of Fighter Squadron VF-124, as saying of the four female pilots in his squadron, "The women are going to graduate regardless of how they performed" and "the Navy was in a race with the Air Force to get the first female fighter pilot". It quotes Sobiek denying making any such statement. "That is a flat [ass] lie," he said. "And whoever told you that, if they were under oath, should be taken to task."[11] Several of the instructors, however, testified to the contrary. During a subsequent interview with Mike Wallace of CBS "60 Minutes," Sobiek finally admitted that he had made statements that may have conveyed the impression that the women would not be allowed to fail. He added that some female pilots were advanced in combat aviation ahead of many men who were kept waiting or forced to resign.[12] [13]

    One would imagine that, by now, everyone would've realized the fault of that line of thinking...

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Here's the latest batch of gender-related hashtags/items I have noticed trending for anyone interested (I know some are not)
    (Aside: I'm not on Twitter 24/7 of course and don't look back at lists for when I wasn't on)

    I also threw in some other posts as I didn't want to post too much.

    Channel 4 News
    More than 100 women accuse police officers of domestic abuse, alleging ‘boys club’ culture

    Portmarnock Golf Club

    The Times
    Police ‘failing to protect’ thousands of at-risk girls

    Telegraph Women’s Sport
    Sport's #MeToo movement: the women speaking out.

    One comment I saw: Feminists pushed for the laws they're now describing as "chilling", hard to feel any sympathy really.

    Los Angeles Times
    Women in South Korea are mocking men’s penises and fueling an anti-feminism movement


    Didn't trend but I thought I would mention:

    Twitter ad

    National Women's Council of Ireland: Solidarity and Sharing - Online Gathering of Disabled Women
    Join us on Wednesday 26th May at 1pm for 'Solidarity and Sharing: Online Gathering of Disabled Women', which we have organised in collaboration with Independent Living Movement Ireland and Disabled Women Ireland. At this event we will be hearing from disabled women activists from Ireland and around the world discussing how we can learn from, share and support each other, and build greater international solidarity in our work ahead.
    Region: Online Expiry date: 26/05/21

    Wild Atlantic women: Following in their footsteps along the west coast
    Gráinne Lyons spent three months learning about women connected to the landscape

    Another "women have it worse" claim:
    Life as a recovery coach: ‘Drunk women are portrayed very differently to men – women are shamed more’
    Recovering alcoholic Sandra Losty (55) from Dublin started an online support group for people recovering from addiction in March 2020, and says we need more support groups that are for women, by women


    Women-only initiative:
    Female health professionals are being encouraged to apply for a women-only scholarship for NUI Galway’s MBA programme.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    A High Court judge has ordered that two children of separated parents who were removed by their mother to the Republic from Northern Ireland must be returned there.

    The children, aged eight and 12, were habitually resident with their mother in Northern Ireland until she removed them last autumn, without the father’s consent, and brought them to the Republic.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Men and women differ widely over who does bulk of work
    This is a cached version of an Irish Examiner article
    [CSO] Statistician Brian Cahill said: “Each of us has a unique experience of life at home, with different relationships, supports and challenges. The distribution of power and decision-making in private life, which has an influence on the ability of people to access opportunities outside the home, is infrequently measured.

    This looks like it is looking at things from a feminist perspective. An alternative viewpoint is that there is more pressure on men to earn at least as much if not more more than their partner than vice versa. Working/earning more isn't simply an opportunity; it can also be a burden. Also, the amount of hours worked outside the home are relevant to discussions about the breakdown of workload within a relationship.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Des Cahill: ‘My appreciation of what women go through is far greater as a grandfather’
    Sports presenter Des Cahill says the arrival of baby Bobby Patrick has given him a great perspective on life
    It's good to show an understanding of what the opposite sex goes through. However, it seems more common for men to say something equivalent to "women have it tough in X way" than vice versa. We do hear a lot about men having a life of privilege.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    EDIT: Wrong thread

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,847 ✭✭✭py2006

    iptba wrote: »
    Right thread?


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Employers will have to take “real and substantive action” to reduce

    gender pay gaps under legislation requiring companies to report

    annually on pay and bonus differences between men and women.

    The Gender Pay Gap Information Bill has been passed by the Dáil

    following passage earlier this week by the Seanad and now goes to the

    President for consideration and signature.

    Organisations with 250 or more employees will have to publish the pay

    and bonuses of staff every year. The provisions and will over time be

    extended to businesses with 50 or more staff and will incrementally

    apply to smaller firms.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Dr Rick Bradford:

    For 5.4% of children the man they believe to be their biological father is not, Note 1, Ref.[2] and Figure 1. This has health implications for these children throughout their lives


    Ref.[2], Section 15.2, discusses the available data on “mispaternity”, i.e., the ostensible father proving not to be the biological father upon testing. One must be very careful with such data because most of it originates from cases where paternity has been challenged, and hence will be biased towards high rates of mispaternity which will not be characteristic of the general population. Ref.[2] selects out such cases to produce a reduced dataset where there was no pre-existing suspicion of misattributed paternity. The 43 data where testing was not done due to paternity dispute and where there was no reason prior to testing to expect a particularly high or particularly low mispaternity rate comprises 35 cases from European or Anglophone countries and 8 cases from other countries. These data are plotted in Figure 1, below. Ignoring three high-lying data points whose provenance is suspect, and ignoring the nonEuropean/Anglophone data which are also relatively high, the median of the remaining European/Anglophone data is a mispaternity rate of 5.4%. (For comparison, for those datasets where there was prior suspicion the median mispaternity was 25%).

  • Registered Users Posts: 38 Maxxx17

    I don't know if there are any such associations. But it would be cool. I want to be a part of it. Maybe someone has heard of them? Tell me.🙄

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    It looks like with the new formatting the tweet text doesn't come up, nor can I edit the post in Chrome. Here is the text:

    Thinking it’s OK to tweet “K**l All Men” and then thinking Twitter has behaved in a completely outrageous & unacceptable manner when your account is suspended for posting such hate, is an attitude that seriously needs addressing


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    I was thinking about that. For a population of 5 million, the approximate population of the Republic of Ireland, that is 270,000 people!

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Here's the latest batch of gender-related hashtags/items I have noticed trending for anyone interested (I know some are not)

    (Aside: I'm not on Twitter 24/7 of course and don't look back at lists for when I wasn't on)

    I also threw in some other posts as I didn't want to post too much.


    Didn't trend but I thought I would mention:

    Jennifer O’Connell: Only privileged white men could have dreamed up Airbnb

    Women-only initiative:

    NUI Galway’s Science and Engineering students are making travel arrangements to participate in the International Summer Academy in Engineering for Women at the Univer­sity of Applied Sciences Upper Austria in July.

    Report highlights the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on women’s economic mobility

    "The Covid-19 pandemic has had a damaging effect on women’s economic mobility. That’s according to a new report launched by Rethink Ireland. ‘The Impact of Covid-19 on Women’s Economic Mobility’ is based on testimonies from participants of programmes run by Awardees of Rethink Ireland’s Mná na hÉireann, Women of Ireland Fund. The Fund is the first in Ireland to support social enterprises and charities who are working to improve women’s economic mobility."


    "Mná na hÉireann, Women of Ireland Fund

    Introduced in 2020, the Mná na hÉireann, Women of Ireland Fund will deploy €1.8 Million over three years. The Fund was created by Rethink Ireland in partnership with Bank of America and the Department of Rural and Community Development via the Dormant Accounts Fund."

    "Also commenting today, Chief Executive Officer of Bank of America Europe DAC Fernando Vicario, said: “The research shows that Covid-19 has impacted women disproportionately."

    Women as One Escalator research award.

    Sponsored content in The Irish Times

    Women’s Vision in Transition photobook: A picture is worth a thousand words

    Women from two communities in North Belfast participated in a photographic project run by Ulster University and Shankill Women’s Centre, culminating in two photobooks

    Sponsored by Ulster University

    Groups for men and women I came across:

    Campaign Against Church Ownership of Women's Healthcare

    Irish Chapter of the Women in Global Health (WGH)

    Women in Leadership Coordinator at the National Women’s Council of Ireland

    30pc Club Ireland: "Achieving real progress on gender diversity, is equally about men and women working together for change"

    Women as One: "The organisation’s aim is to promote talent in medicine by providing unique professional opportunities to female physicians."

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Sounds like it might again be different regime for male and female prisoners?

    Former Fine Gael candidate Lyndsey Clarke is out of jail and now based at a ‘step-down’ facility

    “The regime is very similar to what male prisoners have in open prisons like Shelton Abbey. It is important to note that she is technically still in custody and not on temporary release and her release date with standard remission is not until August of next year.”

    When contacted, an Irish Prison Service spokesperson said it does not comment on individual prisoners, but in a statement she gave an explanation of how the Outlook Programme works.

    “In the Probation Service/Irish Prison Service joint Women Strategy 2014-2016, which sought to improve outcomes for women offenders,” the statement read, “a joint working group between the two agencies recommended that the most practical and cost-effective way to address the needs identified was to develop a step down facility for women.

    “In this regard, the Probation Service and Irish Prison Service worked collaboratively towards the identification of a suitable venue for a women’s step down unit in Dublin.

    “The regime structure of the Dóchas Centre allows effectively for the women in custody to progress from their initial accommodation to more enhanced houses in the Dóchas Centre prior to progression to the Outlook step down accommodation facility, or to release, as appropriate.

    “To enhance the rehabilitative opportunities for female offenders a new programme in partnership with the Probation Service, called the Outlook Programme, was opened in May 2019.

    “The project is managed by Focus Ireland and the vision of the programme is to promote the rehabilitation and reintegration of women leaving prison and those who have accommodation needs requiring support in the community.”

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  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    After decades of inequality is male contraception about to become the norm?Male contraception has been limited to the same two options for more than a century: wearing condoms or having a vasectomy. It can hardly be called a choice, especially as vasectomies are generally a permanent procedure.

    In comparison, when it comes to reversible forms of birth control, women are able to choose between a dozen methods. Is this about to change?

    Trending on Twitter

    Beyond condoms: Do new options mean men will take more responsibility for birth control?

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    I wasn't sure which thread to post this to:

    Skin cancer ‘set to treble over 20 years’ with men at greater risk

    Cancer society: ‘Getting burned just once every two years can triple risk of melanoma’

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Pandemic has wiped out the minimal gains women have made in recent years

    Nicola Anderson

    It became apparent very early on that this was a pandemic that disproportionately affected women in virtually every aspect of their lives.


    A study by Rethink Ireland this month found the impact of the pandemic to be “highly gendered”, hitting women from minority groups and disadvantaged communities particularly hard.


  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba


    The reason more women want a divorce? They have higher relationship standards

    Mary Kenny

    Some claim it’s because women do better out of a marriage split. The wife often gets the family home and custody of the kids. Among the super-rich, alimony means big bucks.

    Women today have more confidence to leave a miserable marriage, yet some mediation counsellors claim women may choose to end a marriage simply because they have higher relationship standards.

    “Men will jog along in a mediocre marriage as long as there is food on the table and an occasional opportunity for marital sex,” one counsellor told me. “Women want something better. They want emotional understanding, give and take, validation. They’re less likely to put up with an unsatisfactory home life.”

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Terry Prone: Why are female vaccine heroes under pressure to seem relatable?

    Women should be able to write about their success with the straightforward pride a man would bring to the situation, writes Terry Prone.

    I agree with this , though it doesn't seem particularly relevant to the heading

    When I was a new parent, I was part of a new wave of feminism that insisted little girls should not receive dolls to play with, but little boys should. The theory was that if you gave tractors to little girls, they would grow up filled with vehicular and other confidence and never be touched by the assumption that their role, when grown up, would involve reproducing or dusting. The little boys who got the dolls would be less aggressive and shouty and much more gentle when they reached adulthood.

    No theory has ever stood up to practical testing on pre-schoolers, and the doll distribution theory was no exception to the rule. Little girls maddened their mothers (and, I suspect, secretly amused their grandmothers) by coming home from birthday parties with an acute sense of deprivation over the doll dearth in their own home, having had the opportunity at the celebration to compare and contrast.

    I got to see my little boy’s reaction to being given a doll, which took the form of mystification. He examined it with the courtesy you’d give a breakfast of live budgie on buttered toast, then firmly and neatly discarded it. The doll never got another look. His truth involved wheels, engine noises, and gears. Much of it still does.

    This seems to be about the sum total of the in-depth discussion of the title:

    Seeking to be “relatable” is just another pressure on women who should be able to write about their success with the straightforward pride a man would bring to the situation.

    The thing is that the women are been portrayed as some sort of role model for girls/women, hence the Barbie doll of one of them, etc. This isn't comparable to when men are normally talking about their lives. If they were trying to be role models for boys/men, they too might try to be relatable.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Finn McRedmond: Meghan makes an unparalleled bid for obnoxiousness

    It will take more than a pet project to help women the pandemic has affected most

    Author complains that it doesn't get at root problems. But it still looks like a feminist gesture for me, given it's only about helping women.

    Markle has established the 40x40 programme: “For my birthday I have asked 40 friends, activists, athletes, artists, and world leaders to help kick off a global effort by contributing 40 MINUTES OF MENTORSHIP [weirdly placed emphasis: hers] to support women re-entering the workforce.” 


    Anyway, the one thing mentioned that they both agree on is that women were hit worst by the pandemic 🙄

    In the past two years, millions of women across the world have left the workforce, Markle correctly observes. Women have disproportionately borne the brunt of the Covid-19 crisis, as industries they populate – hospitality, retail and tourism – have seen a flurry of job losses. Women occupy most care roles too, where day-to-day pressure has been immense. We are desperately in need of a solution to these severe pandemic by-products.

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Maeve Higgins: Resistance to female views proves their power

    The mighty resistance to allowing women to speak, the resistance that shows up in shame, in scrutiny, in dismissal is evidence the people doing so are trying to destroy something they fear

    I didn't think the claims in the heading are in any way proven in the article. They seem barely to be discussed on a quick skim.


    The trappings of fame are surely seductive and fun, especially when they include money and power. But there are far richer and more powerful people than pop stars — business dorks and tech guys who got lucky or kids who were born into it, like any number of Saudi princes.

    Nobody knows where they live or what they do all day. Nobody watches them and has opinions on their work, their lifestyles and, in the case of girls and women, their actual bodies.

    To me, fame itself appears less like a fun perk of making work others enjoy and more like being hunted for something you don’t even have.

    Being hunted and watched and judged are preoccupations on a number of tracks on Happier Than Ever — the public fascination with her body, the stalkers, the media spotlight so intense it means that someone she may potentially sleep with has to sign a non-disclosure agreement.

    In ‘Not My Responsibility’, she sings: “If I wear what is comfortable I am not a woman. If I shed the layers I’m a slut. Though you’ve never seen my body, you still judge it. And judge me for it. Why?”


    No mention that a lot of the discussion about how she looks is from women online.

    Also, these wealthy men mentioned in the first paragraph above aren't looking for free publicity for themselves in the media. 

  • Registered Users Posts: 4,879 ✭✭✭iptba

    Just got this:

    Webinar Invitation  

    ‘Solutions for Parental Alienation’ - Diagnosing Parental Alienation using the Five-Factor Method’ by Dr William Bernet, a professor emeritus at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, board-certified in general psychiatry, child psychiatry, and forensic psychiatry.

    To Whom it concerns

    Alienated Children First (ACF) cordially invites you to join with others working for children and families in Ireland to our third Webinar. This parental alienation awareness Webinar is an important and unique event that focuses on children and their families who are navigating through a high conflict relationship breakdown, namely the too common issue of parental alienation.

    We believe this is a timely and hugely important event for all people in Ireland but foremostly the professionals/policymakers who can learn to understand the phenomenon of parental alienation. Until recently this topic was hidden but it has become more and more prevalent in modern Ireland. In recent times due to a parent powered campaign 30 of 31 Irish Councils have voted to call upon the government to address Parental Alienation (PA ). Parental Alienation has been raised in Dail Eireann more than forty times over the past 2 years, this political response has been both cross-party, non-political, and non-gender. The Irish Government has recognised this complex situation and the Minister of Justice Helen McEntee in a recent radio interview outlined future government plans to address this important societal and family issue. The Department of Justice has successfully tendered research and is undertaking public consultation on parental alienation as outlined in the Justice Plan 2021 action 76.

    The speaker Dr William Bernet is a leading expert and author on the complex situations and trauma surrounding family breakdown and how it can be diagnosed. William will put forward working solutions on how to practically address parental alienation in family courts. Most importantly, he will outline his methods on how to assess, diagnose and treat parental alienation. 

    William Bernet’s research and expertise provide a valuable opportunity to learn about parental alienation. Understand the problems involved in it and hear about the possible solutions on how to diagnose it. Most crucially how it can be prevented, intervention measures and steps that can be taken to stop and or limit its occurrence. This gained knowledge will have a positive impact on practices and delivery of services for children, families and communities who are exposed to this trauma and in danger of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs).

    This webinar is aimed at professionals (interested parents may attend also) and is organised by Alienated Children First. It will be especially useful for professionals working with children and families throughout the island of Ireland. This free webinar is scheduled for 30th August at 3 pm (donations will be kindly accepted via Eventbrite). To register please go to Further details including profiles can be found at

    Questions about Parental Alienation for Dr William Bernet can be sent prior to the event by email to and after the webinar, we will post a video of the webinar with enlightening and informative facts that will be a useful reference for professionals and parents, who have questions about Parental Alienation that remain unanswered. If you have any further questions, please contact us at


    Kind regards, 

    Paul Anderson, Director, Alienated Children First

  • Moderators, Category Moderators, Home & Garden Moderators, Recreation & Hobbies Moderators, Social & Fun Moderators Posts: 22,374 CMod ✭✭✭✭Pawwed Rig

    You always needed 50 posts to post links or pics. You have only 24

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