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Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (/pro) [WHYRED][China/Global] ***(Please read first post)***

  • 16-03-2018 10:43pm
    Registered Users, Registered Users 2 Posts: 8,096 ✭✭✭

    Xiaomi Redmi Note 5 (/pro) [WHYRED][China/Global] ***(Please read first post)***

    Preparing this thread for the upcoming Global Version release of the Redmi Note 5, with Band 3,7 and 20 Support!

    Note: - The thread will be mainly for discussion of that particular device, but if your posting about one of the alternative versions, please state the version you have, or incorrect advice might be given to you.

    Device Variations: -
    Redmi Note 5 [India]: - is just a re-branded china Redmi 5 plus
    Redmi Note 5 Pro [India]: - Similar device lacking Band 20 and variation in Camera's used.
    Redmi Note 5 [China]: - Same as device you should be getting but lacks Band Support.
    Redmi Note 5A:- Cheap entry level device and not a true successor to the note series.

    Possible places to Order: -
    (Check listings for Band Support and right variation of device)

    Xiaomi Official Amazon Spain.
    Aliexpress: - Hong Kong Goldway and Mi Global Store (DHL is tax free for EU customers)
    EU Warehouse form: - Honorbuy or alternative retailers.
    The Solution Shop: - Use with caution, they had logistics problem lately, late filling orders and reports of bad CS.
    Check other recommend retailers in this thread or reddit wiki!

    Why you should be getting the Global version over China/India Version?

    The global version will support Bands 3,7 and 20 for LTE coverage in the EU. (Band 3 & 20(800)) are the versions used here. Although the other variations will work here in cities but may not get LTE in the country locations.

    I will repeat myself, check the specs carefully before ordering.

    When will the Global Version be available to buy? When to Buy?

    At the date/time of this post, it is only rumored to be made available soon.
    Some sites, had place holder listings up the week prior to China release, so be careful who a where you order from, they may try to pass a China/India version as a global version, and you could risk vendor roms as well.
    Contact the seller of the device before ordering for verification or post a link and ask in this thread.

    I would be waiting a Month or two, for prices to stabilize and globally availability!

    Final Words

    Thought I would start this thread, as is suspect this will be a popular device. Also to clarify a few good points beforehand. Hope it helps you in your purchase choice.

    My Redmi Note 3 Pro [Kenzo] is still serving me well, so I will probably wait until July/August to purchase and see what custom rom support is available.

    EDIT - 15/07/2018

    Warning! MIUI 10 Oreo's Anti-Rollback Feature.

    Do not update your rom past
    Beta 8.7.5 or Stable 9.5.17,
    if you want to enjoy custom roms or avoid bricking your devices. And also avoid flashing newer firmware.

    More information in these posts: -

    [MIUI 10] Important Announcement about Updating of Redmi Note 5

    How To Check Anti RollBack On Xiaomi Devices || Explained!

    WHYRED MIUI 10 Oreo's Anti-Rollback <<< Possible method to get around ARP!


