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Relaxation of Restrictions, Part XII *Read OP For Mod Warnings*



  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Give it a couple of weeks and you'll all be complaining that pints of Guinness indoors don't taste as nice as they used to since you last had one.

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    Phase 4 is post market and has always been post market so that’s no reason to wait.

    And my comment on nasty uprisings was poorly worded. What I meant to say is nasty uprising around the world were being predicted to commenters on boards for 16 months, not uprisings in Ireland specifically

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,821 ✭✭✭irishproduce

    The reason for the rejection of using antigen tests is to coerce more younger people to get the vaccines. So I wouldn't expect we will see antigen tests accepted here for hospitality etc until a satisfactory number of people accept the vaccine they must take.

  • Registered Users Posts: 322 ✭✭muddypuppy

    To access those, you’ll either need a single done (doesn’t matter which vaccine), have had a negative test in the last 48 hours (antigen/rapid test approved - and the state is working with pharmacies/hospitals/etc to provide them for cheap) or have proof of having had Covid in the last 6 months.

    Plus vaccinations have been open for all ages for quite a while now in Italy (exact date depends on the region).

    Sounds like a much better plan than the Irish one (but at least in Ireland we’re not going to limit things that are already open to everyone - yet)

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,783 ✭✭✭GoneHome

    Ok from reading back on the last few pages of this thread this seems to be a bit of a ses-pit of anti-vax, anti-lockdown, etc. So for my perspective, I live in a rural area of Co. Limerick, just myself and better half, both in our 40's, been careful the past year and a half because of having elderly parents, etc, both of us working from home since the beginning and kept contacts to a minimum. We were invited to a 40th birthday party tonight for a member of our extended family about 12 miles away, got chatting to a couple at the party, aged early 30s, to be told by them they believe both of them got Covid 4 days ago but symthoms were very mild so they didn't bother getting tested and they were both after one shot of the vaccine so it would be fine. Jesus christ if this is the attitude of people what hope have we of getting out of this situation.

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  • Registered Users Posts: 6,567 ✭✭✭User1998

    Fair play to them, if everyone done what they are doing this pandemic would be over very quickly. Why would healthy vaccinated people with no symptoms get tested for a virus they don’t even know they have?

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,711 ✭✭✭Adrian.Sadlier

    I respectfully disagree with you. I do not believe that the Covid-19 passport will be a temporary measure. This state has a history of retaining emergency powers long after the emergency has passed - look at the special criminal courts. I believe there will be booster vaccines shots required this side of Christmas. That young people and children will be targeted for the vaccine. And that receipt of such booster shots will be a requirement for the "digital passport". I believe there is a strong possibility of it's use being extended to access others areas of normal life, such as concerts, museums, possibly even sporting events and shopping. And perhaps ultimately, even work. Unless there is massive public resistance and protest against it. This Saturdays protest will be a good measure of the publics appetite for such protest. However, I do not anticipate much resistance. I would love to be wrong (and will happily admit it if I am).

    Will you do the same?

  • Registered Users Posts: 3,846 ✭✭✭Polar101

    The timeframe for these revolutions keeps getting pushed forward.. the next few weeks are crucial.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,623 ✭✭✭votecounts

    They weren't vaccinated though, it's because of people like them that there is still high case numbers. All they so they could go to a party ffs,

  • Registered Users Posts: 23,614 ✭✭✭✭pjohnson

    The revolutions always lead to a large number of arrests and attempts from the regulars here to disassociate from those "protesting".

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  • Registered Users Posts: 433 ✭✭redlad12

    Only within 6 months. Cleverly rules out are huge % of cases at Christmas and January.

  • Registered Users Posts: 36,339 ✭✭✭✭LuckyLloyd

    I think this thread is an interesting mix of people annoyed about the impact of restrictions and people annoyed about the success of restrictions, vaccines and gradual reopening. There is obviously a lot of overlap between the two groups.

    Monday should be warmly welcomed on this thread: reopening of hospitality via a method that gives great confidence it won’t need to be closed again. There are lots of references to what may have been said on this thread last year. Well I can guarantee this thread would have hailed a solution to hospitality reopening that guaranteed it will stay open over the past 16 months.

    As restrictions continue to ease we are more and more arguing with political dissatisfaction - upset that the state held, the people acted in the interests of the collective and the science succeeded.

  • Registered Users Posts: 12,033 ✭✭✭✭Richard Hillman

    I was glancing through the vaccine stats around the EU. Looks like most countries will get to around 60odd percent and then they'll hit a wall. Of course some countries are a lot lower. It's all well and good the Irish government having forever restrictions for 10-15% but it won't wash for 40% on the continent.

    So what are the EU going to do? Covid Passports forever? In effect ending free travel. It won't go down well in the eastern block who don't want to be in the EU but feel it's a necessary evil.

    We know full well booster shots will be on their "passport" next year. If we don't stop this now, we're locked into it for life.

  • Registered Users Posts: 550 ✭✭✭Sobit1964

    Well Johnson and Johnson did recall sun creams just this week for the presence of a carcinogen.

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭paw patrol

    they are false comparisons.

    a drivers license is a proof that you achieved a skill or competency - there is a metric involved. I'm not sure that is an apt comparison to getting a vaccine.

    The other things mentioned are things chosen by choice , nobody is excluded from parts of society by choosing not to smoke fags. are they?

    In the case of this vaccine, the state is removing rights that people had before and in the case of indoor dining they are dictating when and with whom consenting adults can meet so yes it is very much segregation .

    I know it's not the state but we had a professor on one of the irish sh1tehawk media earlier this week suggesting that welfare be denied to those who refuse the vaccine as an "incentive" - maybe not segregation in that case but definitely discrimination for the sole aim of coercion.

    It's mental in a way how people don't have any issue how easy stuff like this rolled out and not challenge it but cheerlead it .

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

    The 10-15% you are supposing for Ireland is not the same as the 40% you are supposing for the continent. If 15% of Adults don't get the vaccine and its not rolled out to under 18's, that's 35%. The "wall" countries are hitting is a % of total population including children

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭paw patrol

    you forget the option (to quote our glorious leader michael martin) - let it rip.

    its clear from the RTE journo of yesterday on her twitter , there are not that many people in hospital for covid, they are in for other things and testing positive. The vulnerable are vaccinated - if they choose to be. Only healthy young people left and people who aren't taking the vaccine anyway.

    if they are some final vulnerable cases left they are a v small amount of people - maybe they can take one for the team if they are worried about covid and avoid crowds till they feel comfortable. As an aside I believe many people are worried they are vulnerable and they aren't such is the fear porn out there. The young people left unvaccinated are statistically at greater risk from side effects of vaccine than covid so I don't see why the upset they aren't vaccinated.

    Positives mean nothing , hospitalisations and death are the metrics that matter and even they are skewed af (see above) and don't get me started on the outright lies that "deaths with covid" are.

    You didn't give that option. odd that

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭paw patrol

    cant delete , ignore. quoted wrong post.

    I hate new boards.

  • Registered Users Posts: 5,876 ✭✭✭Russman

    Maybe someone who cheerleads it simply thinks its a smart move. Those against things aren't the only critical thinkers out there.

    I hate new board too :-)

  • Posts: 0 [Deleted User]

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  • Registered Users Posts: 9,165 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    It's completely ridiculous. I know a lad I work with went out one Friday night and got called by contact tracing on the Sunday, turns out one of his buddies was waiting his PCR results but decided he didn't want to miss out on a night out

    The mentality off some people beggars belief

    Pulling welfare for the unvaccinated would help to drive our numbers up... It's been suggested previously for MMR vaccines, I don't think it's needed though for COVID, as is evidenced by our crazy busy MVC's

  • Registered Users Posts: 2,312 ✭✭✭paw patrol

    i don't doubt some of the posters here who have continually opposed my position are critical thinkers. Some robust challenges have been made over the past 15 months tbf.

    however this doesn't translate into the general population - who sadly vote :(

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,678 ✭✭✭Multipass

    Pulling welfare for the unvaccinated, are you for real? Literally starve people into compliance. I despair that I have to live in a world with people who think this way. What a disgusting idea, well done.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,165 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    Nobody on welfare would starve if they were to get themselves vaccinated though

  • Registered Users Posts: 1,137 ✭✭✭323

    Think you're on the mark, interesting times on the horizon for Europe. Mostly French on my current job abroad, few from Poland, Bulgaria, Romania and Croatia also. French are not at all happy with current goings on, the others, mostly over 40, even less so, point out that they grew up under authoritarian rule and see this as heading back to that that direction.

    Think last weeks Spanish Constitutional Court ruling that Spain’s first Covid-19 lockdown was unconstitutional, albeit by a small margin, is a step in the right direction as to this tread OP. Maybe because its not so long since they too were an authoritarian state also, that they still respect basic human rights?

    “Follow the trend lines, not the headlines,”

  • Registered Users Posts: 68,317 ✭✭✭✭seamus

    I know it's more of a "what if" suggestion, but pulling welfare is unlikely be as effective as you'd think anyway. People tend to be less amenable to initiatives if their arms are twisted than if they're convinced why it's a good idea. Making welfare contingent on vaccination is (IMO) more likely to reduce uptake than drive it, as people push back; even people not dependent on welfare might think twice about getting vaxxed on principle.

    Same as suggestions that welfare be pulled for people whos kids are scumbags or that welfare be restricted to certain purchases, e.g. no alcohol. People will push back, it won't be effective.

    More carrot, less stick is really the only way to go about it.

  • Registered Users Posts: 18,476 ✭✭✭✭bucketybuck

    Yet if you said there was a risk that government would start pulling welfare for the unvaccinated the same people would call you a conspiracy loon, as they have done so many times over the last year.

  • Registered Users Posts: 31,071 ✭✭✭✭Lumen

    @seamus wrote

    More carrot, less stick is really the only way to go about it.

    Bag of cans with every vaccination shot. I'll e-mail the proposal to NPHET.

  • Registered Users Posts: 9,165 ✭✭✭Red Silurian

    Fair point, although we have seen in France that since Macrons announcement vaccine uptake has skyrocketed so a bit of stick also seems to work. In saying that - an extra (top-up) welfare payment for a vaccine would be the same idea

    It's all a question of "what if" anyway as there is no vaccine hesitancy in Ireland, despite NIACs best attempts at discrediting Astrazeneca and J&J

    They had a similar deal in Israel seemed to work out well for them

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  • Registered Users Posts: 5,611 ✭✭✭brickster69

    After rejecting various amendments yesterday in the French parliament MP's were asked to come back early this morning to vote again. Only half turned up and they were passed at 5.40 am. One of them below is you need to have your pass to vote because they are classed as public spaces.

    “The earth is littered with the ruins of empires that believed they were eternal.”

    - Camille Paglia
