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Latest posts
Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
Looking for advice about Eir VOIP and Eir mobile package in Broadband
30-01-25 %k:52
10 302
Is it really worth moving to Eir Fibre broadband in Broadband
26-11-24 %k:48
41 8.3K
Configure TP-Link Deco device as a Wi-Fi Router on Eir FTTH (F3000) in Broadband
26-11-24 %k:42
5 499
Eir to Lyca porting in Mobiles
14-10-24 %k:55
4 201
Eir Settings in Broadband
07-10-24 %k:06
1 241
Can anyone please suggest which broadband service is better for Dublin 15 area? in Broadband
16-09-24 %k:32
0 81
Can a Fritzbox 7530 be used with any SIRO provider? in Broadband
16-09-24 %k:21
4 151
Eir Hold Music in Nets & Comms
15-09-24 %k:00
0 41
Enable remote access to eFibre router in Broadband
07-12-23 %k:05
3 242
HELP! F3000 not working in bridge mode with Nest Wifi in Broadband
24-11-23 %k:18
5 131
Rural broadband in Donegal
20-10-23 %k:56
22 661
Another "Should I Switch" thread in Broadband
28-09-23 %k:39
3 201
OPENEIR EIR will not offer fibre until 2026 for those affected by Direct Buries lead (DBL) in Broadband
01-06-23 %k:05
9 631
OPENEIR - Questions about fake FTTH coverage in Broadband
21-03-23 %k:31
15 862
Question on keep number after going aboard in Mobiles
08-03-23 %k:19
6 152
Why is Sky Sports, Premier Sports, etc. not available on eir? in eir
15-02-23 %k:33
0 311
Changed landline from eir to vodafone now can only receive calls from numbers on vodafone network in Computers & Technology
20-12-22 %k:27
5 412
Topped up with wrong mobile network via ptsb online banking in Consumer Issues
14-11-22 %k:33
25 1.2K
Moving an Eir pole and line in Construction & Planning
05-10-22 %k:45
9 418
I want to keep my 087 number while living abroad. Which network should I port to? in Mobiles
08-09-22 %k:36
3 181
Eir mobile in Feedback Archive
10-05-22 %k:55
1 31
no upload speed? + help finding a ISP in Broadband
21-02-22 %k:54
5 103
Replacing EIR F3000 router with TP Link Router - not working in Broadband
08-02-22 %k:41
8 2.2K
Issues of getting a Broadband FTTH fault repaired promptly in Broadband
04-02-22 %k:16
4 131
Looking to change from Vodafone broadband in Broadband
28-01-22 %k:24
2 101
NBI - Your Premises Is Not Included in the National Rollout in Broadband
09-12-21 %k:02
5 341
Weird phone call! "online pc doctor" - Only thread on these scam calls please 12...3334 in Computers & Technology
26-01-21 %k:16
1.7K 357.3K
Reduced Broadband Speeds in Tramore 12...910 in Waterford County
24-11-13 %k:27
497 37.3K
Eir Email password reset in Broadband
09-07-20 %k:08
0 156
Why my ip doesn't change? in Broadband
28-04-20 %k:53
12 524