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Thread title / Started by Last Post Replies Views
New laws on Consent are deeply-flawed 12 in Current Affairs/IMHO
28-07-22 12:11
66 2.1K
A personal horror story of online dating apps. in Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual & Transgender
25-06-19 20:08
33 7.4K
Julian Assange, President Trump and bipolar Sweden in Politics
15-11-16 20:09
44 2.5K
Rallying around a rapist 1234 in After Hours
29-07-15 7:52
164 13.9K
My Girlfriend's Rapist in Personal Issues
20-01-15 3:43
10 3.2K
Conditions and Sexual Consent in Legal Discussion
07-09-14 13:38
7 1.4K
What can I expect consent wise in a relationship? in Relationship Issues
06-09-14 2:10
1 1.9K
Rape of a loved one. in Personal Issues
01-08-12 8:59
12 2.3K
Life Sentences Outside of Murder in Legal Discussion
10-12-11 14:54
23 2.5K
Prosecutor to drop Strauss-Kahn case: report in Politics
21-08-11 15:32
0 510
counsellors in Meath area? in Meath
28-09-08 22:07
5 5.6K
Beet, wheat or rape?? in Farming & Forestry
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1 743
Alcohol, Consciousness, Rape and Consent 1234 in Humanities
07-08-10 8:25
173 17.5K
Doesn't get much sicker, two British boys aged 10 charged with rape of girl 123 in After Hours
17-12-09 13:17
104 10.6K
Miscarriage commemoration in Pregnant
27-04-09 13:32
4 926
Debate an incredibly difficult decision! in The Cuckoo's Nest
01-09-08 20:22
1 599